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Redaxium update for 12 January 2022

Patch 1.01d

Share · View all patches · Build 8007669 · Last edited 12 January 2022 – 11:26:18 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

-New/Change: Traders in encounters now have a chance to sell a Mechanic Tool Box.
-New/Change: Base fuel capacity of all cars boosted by 10.
-New/Change: A little over half of the wells in the game are now functional.
Reminder to use well you need both a rope and a bucket.
-New/Change: Fishing has a chance of giving you fuel. (usable by car)
-Change: The redundant Return buttons in Skilltree menu and Stat Allocation menu
have been removed.
-New/Change: Coosger should definitely show up on Radar now.
But remember to toggle entity scan.
-Change: Radar use no longer allowed in Random Encounters.
-Change: Tweaked some default positions so user experience is less catastrophic
for those who have a weird screen setup or forgot to use Cycle Font.
-Change: TBC GUI given more room to operate.
-New: CF button. It cycles your font. Located below the "?" button
of the main panel. This is for those too lazy to goto Options menu
to cycle font.
-New/Change: Brief explanations given about stats at character creation via mouse over.
-Fix Attempt: Fix for Car/Player falling out of bounds from an Encounter.
Only time will tell if it works.
-Fix Attempt: Fix for weapons sometimes being lost when cycling.
-Fix Attempt: Make items stack properly.
-Change: View Saves is now just Saves.
-Change: The in-game Stat Menu redesigned to use more space.
-Note: If anyone is still getting stuck at times you'll have to shake yourself loose,
or use the Stuck button. I suspect this has something to do with Ethicsburg.

Windows English redaxiumwin Depot 1577941
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Linux English redaxiumlin Depot 1577944
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