We have just released version 2.5 of BridgeTeam! This update brings a very anticipated update: the ability to import your own ship models into the simulator.
While we are still creating more ship models and environments for future updates, we are also opening the platform up for you, the player, to import your own models into the game and configure its ship dynamics.
This update also includes a new proprietary Ship Editor. For the ship's 3D model authors, the author can now run the Ship Editor to encrypt the model with AES-512 bit encryption.
This will produce 2 files:
- ship.obj.aes
- ship.mtl.aes
This provides a solid copyright protection for the author, and the author can distribute his/her ship model knowing it is well protected from copyright / theft.
BridgeTeam Ship Simulator reads directly from these encrypted formats.
We have a modding guide in a .pdf format, available on our Discord. Feel free to join us for more details on how to create mods!
We look forward to seeing your screenshots of your mods / imported ship models!
Changed files in this update