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Garden of the Sea (VR) update for 13 January 2022

Garden of the Sea 1.0 is now LIVE!

Share · View all patches · Build 8002344 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Omg! Hurrah! Yay! Wow!

But... is this it? The end?

Heck no. This is a critical juncture, a tipping point. Our little Garden of the Sea is all grown up and getting out of its nest. Will it fly? Will it fall?

This game has been in the making for several years, with disruptions when the team has been pulled into other projects to meet deadlines or simply to help bring other projects forward. Between action packed portal parkour and nerve-racking horror, Garden of the Sea has been a splash of color and a haven to unwind in. Throughout, we have been thinking "What if someone else makes this game before us? What if someone beats us to it?" but in the end it just didn't matter. We needed to make this game, and while doing it, doing things differently from how we have worked in the past.

We have learned so much and improved upon ourselves alongside the game itself. We absolutely adore Garden of the Sea and the world that it has grown into, and hope with all our hearts that Garden of the Sea will be received with as much joy as we have put into it – and that it makes sense to dig even deeper into the features we have already created, and add more content and updates for a long time.

Okay, enough sentimentality! Let's see what is new since the last update.

  • New Biome: Bamboo Island, including its own special creature
  • Full Story (including an "ending"!)
  • PC Graphics Update
  • Ocean Update
  • Dynamic shadows
  • Grass Galore
  • Leafy Leaves
  • Achievements
  • New music
  • Audio Improvements
  • Final House Upgrade
  • New Breedable Animals
  • Performance Improvements
  • Bug Fixes
  • New crafting recipes
  • New tutorial
  • New merchant items
  • Localization for 22 different languages
  • Auto-save functionality
  • Improved grabbing & interactions with items in the world
  • Credits
  • In-game camera functionality
Localization & Accessibility

The game is extensively localized and can be played standing or sitting down, in big or small play spaces, lowering the threshold of entry for as many prospective players as possible. The game allows for teleportation, smooth locomotion, smooth and snap turn, all at adjustable speeds. Audio is highly encouraged, but not required!

Languages available are, in alphabetical order: Arabic, Chinese (simplified and traditional), Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil and Portugal), Russian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish.


What will happen after release?
We will continue updating the game for as long as it makes sense for us as a studio. We love adding new content and updates for already existing players as much as we love making it. As long as the game is bringing in new players too, we can keep doing what we love.

Can I continue playing with my save file from Early Access?
No, save files from older versions of the game are not compatible with this release. However, this is the last time that you'll lose progress. All future updates will be compatible with 1.0 save files or have a way to migrate save files safely.

Any plans on multiplayer?
Oh, we wish, but it's just such a huge project to undertake. If we have the resources to look into it, we could investigate if and how it would work, but that would definitely be in the future.

Will Garden of the Sea release on X platform?
Possibly if there is enough of an audience! If you want to see Garden of the Sea on another VR platform, make sure to be loud about it and make yourself heard and we might see what we can do in the future!

Where are my save files located?
On Quest they should be in:
This PC\Quest 2\Internal shared storage\Android\data\com.NeatCorporation.GardenoftheSea\files\Saves

And on PC They should be in:
“C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Neat Corporation\Garden of the Sea

Will the price increase even more?
No, there are no plans to increase the pricing any further.

Where do my ingame photos end up? Can I save them?
Photos taken with the in-game polaroid camera can now be accessed outside the game in the folder “C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Neat Corporation\Garden of the Sea\Polaroids”

Until the next update, we wish you a wonderful time in Garden of the Sea! If you want to share screenshots of your garden or a fun moment you found, we'd love to see.

Love from team Garden of the Sea

Windows 64-bit Garden of the Sea Content Depot 1086851
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