Dear operators,
Black One Blood Brothers is officialy available in early access with launch discount of 15% ! As promised, each Black Day owners receives the game free of charge.
For Playtest gamers, here is the evolution from Steam Playtest to Early access
- Add: Prisoner of war
- Add: Siege
- Add: War
- Add: Training center
- Add: Klettgau forest
- Add: Enila island
- Add: Burnwood mansion
- Add: Jin-Shu temple
- Add: The Gabriel
- Add: Central hospital
- Add: Ancient ruins
- Add: New airliner with interiors in Elegance airport
- Add: New house with interiors in Al-Jan province
- Improve: Architecture of training map
- Improve: Spawn locations of enemies in Valenwood villa
- Add: Task - Capture
- Add: Task - Secure
- Add: Task - Meeting
- Add: Task - Defusing
- Add: Task - Listening device
- Add: Tasks have different XP reward
- Improve: Tasks allowed in terms of map
- Add: Insurgents
- Add: Rebels
- Add: Regular army
- Add: Separatists
- Add: Dark army
- Add: Weapon - MV18 Mod 3
- Add: Weapon - M-Night
- Add: Weapon - ArK-M
- Add: Weapon - MR-20
- Add: Weapon - VP5
- Add: Weapon - Hunter-1
- Add: Weapon - Vk-12
- Add: Weapon - SASS
- Add: Weapon - SWD
- Add: Weapon - P-251
- Add: Weapon - M9-91 FS
- Add: Sight - Prism ECO MOD3
- Add: Sight - Wiaver Roger 8/11
- Add: Sight - Holo-9D8
- Add: Sight - S.K.O.T. Scope CPG
- Add: Sight - Dragon
- Add: Sight - Night hunter D
- Add: Sight - Thermal hunter
- Add: Sight - Recon 1.5NV
- Add: Sight - Recon 1.5GN
- Add: Sight - Nvk-8
- Add: Sight - Nvk-10
- Add: Suppressor - Polyvalent suppressor
- Add: Suppressor - Square suppressor
- Add: Suppressor - Handgun suppressor
- Add: Mounting - Metal Verst - 5
- Add: Mounting - VBAL-A2
- Add: Mounting - AM DBOL-PL
- Add: Mounting - PolyTec M8
- Add: Mounting - Sorefire XV2
- Add: Grenade launcher - M6 UB Grenade launcher
- Add: Bipod - Bipod predator
- Add: Foregrip - Foregrip Macpull Uni
- Add: Foregrip - Foregrip Macpull Moee
- Add: Foregrip - Angled foregrip Mac-3
- Add: Glow stick - Blue
- Add: Glow stick - IR Blue
- Add: Glow stick - Green
- Add: Glow stick - IR Green
- Add: Glow stick - Red
- Add: Glow stick - IR Red
- Add: Night vision goggles - BNV/VS-14 L3Hirras
- Add: Night vision goggles - AN/BVS-32A NF
- Add: Night vision goggles - AT/TV-60J
- Add: Night vision goggles - L3Hirros GPNVG Desert
- Add: Ballistic shield - Ballistic shield NF
- Add: Drone - Romo F22
- Add: Drone - Delta-Recon FPV
- Add: Binoculars - Patrol binoculars
- Add: Knife - Hunter knife
- Add: Knife - Blood knife
- Add: 12 new camos of weapons and attachments
- Add: 11 default presets
- Add: Shirt - Sniper jacket (male/female version)
- Add: Gloves - Sniper gloves (male/female version)
- Add: Head - Reverse cap (male/female version)
- Add: Head - Reverse cap with headset (male/female version)
- Add: Head - Shemagh (male/female version)
- Add: Head - Shemagh II (male/female version)
- Add: Head - Facemask II (male/female version)
- Add: Head - Tactical helmet N2 (male/female version)
- Add: Head - Tactical helmet N3 (male/female version)
- Add: Head - Heavy helmet (male/female version)
- Add: Head - Heavy helmet II (male/female version)
- Add: Head - Bandana II (male/female version)
- Add: Head - Bandana III (male/female version)
- Add: Head - Boonie hat II (male/female version)
- Add: Head - Beenie hat II (male/female version)
- Add: Head - Ghillie complete (male/female version)
- Add: Head - Ghillie torso (male/female version)
- Add: Head - English beret (male/female version)
- Add: Face - Mask (male/female version)
- Add: Face - Gas mask II (male/female version)
- Add: Glasses - Ballistic glasses (male/female version)
- Add: Glasses - Ballistic glasses H3 (male/female version)
- Add: Face - Beard spec ops (male only)
- Add: Face - Beard spec ops II (male only)
- Add: Face - Mustache spec ops (male only)
- Add: Face - Beard insurgent (male only)
- Add: Face - Beard insurgent II (male only)
- Add: Face - Mustache insurgent (male only)
- Add: Skin camo - Tigre
- Add: Skin camo - Panther
- Add: Skin camo - Desert
- Add: 5 default presets
- Add: Ranks (100 levels)
- Add: Awards Normal (73 awards)
- Add: Awards Elite (73 awards)
- Add: Awards Hardcore (73 awards)
- Add: New lighting rendering at night
- Add: Blood on characters
- Add: Blood on dogs
- Add: Cinematic - HALO insertion
- Add: Cinematic - Underwater insertion
- Add: Cinematic - Fast rope in helicopter insertion
- Add: New Cinematic - Deployment of troops
- Add: Modern night vision VFX
- Add: Blur effect with sight magnifiers
- Add: New door breaching animation (hammer long)
- Add: New door breaching animation (enforcer battering long)
- Add: New revive animation on operator
- Add: New revive animation on dog
- Add: Flashlight attachment with PEK-15A VBAL-A2
- Add: New weapon blocked animation
- Add: New weapon holding animation
- Add: Cloth simulation on Ghillie suit
- Add: Lights on training map
- Add: Decals on animated doors and windows
- Add: New intro movie
- Improve: Idle animations
- Improve: Lean stance
- Improve: Ragdoll physics
- Improve: Light rendering in operator editor
- Improve: Light rendering in main menu level
- Improve: Camera rendering of dog and drone
- Improve: Night fog rendering
- Improve: Flashlight rendering
- Improve: IR Flashlight rendering
- Improve: Helicopter insertion rendering
- Improve: Some weapons rendering
- Improve: ACO-7 textures
- Improve: IR Laserpointer texture
- Improve: Bullet impact size
- Improve: Bullet impact draw distance
- Fix: Female character doesn't animated correctly in helicopter insertion
- Fix: Green tint color after use ADS
- Fix: Framerate could be broken when use magnifier or scope
- Fix: Lying down to stand animation
- Fix: Enemies might have wrong textures on arms and hands
- Fix: Wounded UI in HUD doesn't visible correctly if "No HUD" option enable
- Fix: Dog receives decals
- Fix: Laser point might not synchronized with laser beam correctly
- Fix: Stand to prone and prone to stand might not have correct left hand location
- Fix: Some undesirable assets receives decals
- Fix: Hand left position on AR-17
- Fix: Decal blood on the ground locations
- Fix: 3d task UI keep visible if cinematic or photo mode enable
- Fix: NVG on head doesn't initialized correctly at training
- Add: Interactive tutorial level
- Add: Quick order to subordinate if interaction isn't possible
- Add: Separation of state of doors (locked and blocked)
- Add: Half-open door interaction
- Add: Use Photo mode in insertion cinematics
- Improve: General optimization on large maps
- Improve: Character animations optimization
- Improve: Shadows optimization on small maps
- Improve: Weapons cache can be mark
- Improve: Rules of engagement system
- Improve: Climb system
- Improve: Freelook return
- Improve: Spot distance of drones
- Improve: Grenades damages
- Improve: Path of support aircraft
- Improve: Break a window rendering
- Improve: IR strobe blinking
- Improve: Operators in insertion cinematics are existing if use same insertion point
- Improve: Global red dot sights rendering
- Improve: Camera rotation in insertion cinematics
- Improve: Max weight allowed in terms of movement restrictions
- Fix: Weapons cache doesn't damaged correctly
- Fix: Could not pick up NVG at dead body
- Fix: Red dot sights in holographic had bad rendering
- Fix: Undesirable switch operator when a dog is wounded or dead
- Fix: Undesirable location of dog at init
- Fix: Climb might not correctly to pass through a window
- Fix: Collision errors in training map
- Fix: Place explosive could be duplicate
- Fix: Pick up items on dead body might not work correctly
- Fix: IR strobe/glowstick/laser/flashlight might not visible with night scope correctly
- Fix: Doors could open automatically with wrong conditions
- Fix: Laser beam direction on V82A1 without sight
- Fix: Windows could open automatically with wrong conditions
- Fix: Rare bugs when switch operator
- Fix: Vision type error after use binoculars
- Fix: Claymore rotation when placed
- Fix: Lean position after switch operator
- Fix: Drone camera errors
- Fix: Some physics errors
- Fix: Some errors scripts
- Add: Operators try automatically to unlock door if want to pass through
- Add: Operators use automatically lean near a obstacle
- Add: Enemies use flashlight at night to blind if doesn't have NVG
- Add: Operators counterattack if enemy try to use front melee
- Improve: Follower behavior
- Improve: Enemies behavior
- Improve: Operators perception
- Improve: Enemies perception at night
- Improve: Operators use "Neutralization shot" at default ROE
- Improve: Enemies hear less a little noise
- Improve: Enemies hear less a weapon with a suppressor
- Fix: Follower doesn't choose correct location
- Fix: Follower can choose wrong floor location
- Fix: Cameras doesn't spot operators controlled by AI
- Fix: Could be teleport under boulders
- Fix: Some pathfinding errors
- Fix: Undesirable weapon in holster after use an action
- Fix: Dog can choose wrong floor location
- Fix: Enemy might not attack drone correctly
- Add: Field of view option
- Add: Lean automatically option in battle plan
- Add: Opacity of pathfinding in terms of selection
- Add: Make invisible orders on invisible floors if "Draw pathfinding always on top" enable
- Improve: Pre-sync size
- Improve: Floors display of Al-Jan province
- Improve: Throw prediction
- Fix: Operator changes squad doesn't delete orders if he is subordinate
- Fix: Weapons cache might not be invisible correctly
- Fix: Arrow of focus order might not display color squad correctly
- Fix: Interact by subordinate might not display interaction correctly
- Fix: Casualty or dead doesn't update operators list correctly
- Fix: Throw prediction might not display path correctly
- Fix: Squad selection might not visible correctly
- Add: Rewards
- Add: Ranks
- Add: Enemy faction selection
- Add: Ally faction selection
- Add: Visualize weapon and customize camos
- Add: Mouse drag to move and rotate operator in editor
- Add: Cinematic insertion intels
- Add: New drone
- Add: New dog control
- Add: New operation location in editor
- Add: New enemies spot
- Add: Message if photo mode enabled in mission
- Add: Disable outfits category if unavailable with another outfit
- Improve: Some design
- Fix: Some design errors