- Destroying all enemy buildings will result in the enemy commander unit spawning; this means players no longer have to wait out all nights before initiating an attrition’s climax
- Destroying enemy buildings now spawns 2-3 Unguarded units nearby
- Enemy unit squads now exclusively come from enemy buildings that spawn at the beginning of an attrition
- Enemy unit squad spawn chance increased by 33%
- The claimed tile defense bonus now scales with map size
- Claiming tiles now only costs 1 of each resource (excluding Magic and Death resource)
- Terrain generation resource and point of interest spawning bugs fixed
- Terrain tile effects scrapped and reworked; check out the new effects on the instructions screen!
Furthermore, we’re aware of maps sometimes spawning only one terrain, and that players are noticing a lack of sine tiles being generated; these issues should be fixed in the next update.
Changed files in this update