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Cyberfrags '69 update for 10 January 2022

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Share · View all patches · Build 7997652 · Last edited 10 January 2022 – 21:39:39 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Another pile of updates! Join the discord ( ) to get the patch-notes live, and to easily find players for PvP!

Added "Wallrun Rotation Scale" to the settings menu under "Gameplay", allowing players to reduce camera-roll while wall-running. (Thanks to Twiddlly on the Discord for helping me identify what what causing this for them.)

Quick Update!


-Fixed an issue where changing settings would reset skin and gun in main menu.
-Fixed fixed issue where oddballs sounds were flipped.

Quick Update!

Fixes and tweaks

-Hopefully fixed issue where players would keep their chosen gun when joining late in Gun-Game... again
-Player level now shows before name in scoreboard. Now folks will know why they're getting crushed lol

New Update!

Quality of Life and art stuff

-Replaced art for Icarus. It's more compact on-screen, and also looks more interesting (I think, at least).
-Added "Wallrun Rotation Scale" to the settings menu under "Gameplay", allowing players to reduce camera-roll while wall-running.
-Guns that toggle or cycle modes now store those modes if you swap weapons. They reset to default on death, but while you're alive you don't have to keep resetting to the desired mode. This affects:

  1. Flatliner
  2. Jackhammer
  3. The Law
  4. Blazer

Little update!

Tweaks, and a little something for you speed-runners

-Hit-markers should no-longer block the center of the screen with small crosshair settings
-Reduced brightness of emissive materials on certain maps.
-Added stopwatch timer to HUD in single-player
-Added restart button in ESC menu in single-player to quickly restart the level.

Dayeed — 01/04/2022
Quick balance update.

Adjustments and tweaks to various weapons to improve weapon balance.

-Increased size of Sammy projectile
-Increased heat generation of Mini-Gat's shield
-Increased Blazer Body-shot damage
-Reduced heat of Sharpshot-420's alt-fire. 2 Shots can now be fired before overheating.
-Increased damage radius of Tri-hard from 3m to 4m, and increased Rocket velocity from 60m/s to 70m/s
-Increased velocity of Dick-Reckerd Alt-fire from 200m/s to 320m/s
-Increased headshot damage of Cyber-Deagle to kill any player even with a boosted shield. No change to body-shots.

Quick update!

Bug fixes

-Fixed broken Gun-Game spawns
-Fixed issue where spawn timer wasn't working in CTF
-Hopefully fixed issue where players could slide infinitely on certain floors.
-Fixed issue where player level showed the Host's level, not their own.

Quick update

Tweaks and stuff

-Increased radius of hit-detection on Sharpshot-420 alt and Blazer
-Added Anti-Aliasing options in settings
-Grenades no longer knock players down a gun in Gun-Game, that shit was way more annoying than I thought it would be. Melee still does it, though.

Quick update

-Fixed issue where players could spawn inside one of the moving platforms on factory
-Adjusted order of weapons in Gun-Game to hopefully distribute the weapons more fairly

just another baby update

Sharpshot-420 ADS now is more "scope-like". It covers more of the peripheral vision, but it's much clearer in the center. And it just looks better.


New map and Oddballs tweak

-New map! "Streets" can be found in TDM, FFA, CTF, Gun-Game, and Oddballs
-Oddballs winning score increased from 100 to 150.


Single-player stuff.

-Reworked how enemies spawn, they now trigger when you enter a space, or kill an arbitrary number of enemies in that space. No more timers! This should make combat encounters more dynamic, while allowing speed-runners a higher skill-ceiling.
-Raised the ceiling of the hallway into the final room of Level 2. Now sliding down the slope will let you blast into the last room at 35m/s.

Quick Update!

Weapon balance is hard...

-So after giving the hit-scan weapons some "girth", the blazer went from good to absolutely bonkers. Playing with it made me want to take a shower, playing against it felt like beating my forehead into concrete. So I dialed back the body-shot damage, so headshots are much more important. We'll see if that makes things more fun.

Quick Update!

Oddballs and CTF QoL

-Added HUD indicator to show if player is holding the balls
-Added sound cue when flag or balls are dropped.

Quick Update!

Fixes and QoL

-hopefully fixed issue where player's mouse could leave the game-screen while in-game.
-Added "toggle slide" option in the settings menu under "gameplay"

Windows 64-bitEnglish Cyberfrags '69 Content Depot 1674271
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