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Powerboat VR update for 10 January 2022

Small Update

Share · View all patches · Build 7996885 · Last edited 10 January 2022 – 17:06:13 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

This update adds a number of small tweaks and fixes as I get ready to send the beta out to the main release...

  1. Adjusted the angular drag of all large ships so they turn a little easier and react to waves and sea conditions more realistically.
  2. Fixed the default seating position in the T800 so you can now see over the dash.
  3. Removed a set of floating stairs at Maupiti harbour.
  4. Added RADAR reflectors to the wind turbines near Aldernay so they can now be seen on the RADAR
  5. Added ability to change the RADAR range between 1km, 2km & 4km ranges. When changing distance it will be applied on the next RADAR sweep.
  6. Fixed the T800 engine positions so it no longer always turns to the left.
  7. Set the default boat recovery position to Maupiti harbour. This will now be the standard starting point when starting a new game.

Changed depots in realworld branch

View more data in app history for build 7996885
Windows 64-bit Powerboat VR Content Depot 1470271
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