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Kingdom of Atham: Crown of the Champions update for 10 January 2022

Hot-fix #2

Share · View all patches · Build 7993526 · Last edited 10 January 2022 – 02:26:09 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

-Changed crab damage from 20-25 to 10-15 and HP from 150 to 100.
-Changed start animals like snail etc to only have 25 HP instead of 50.
-Changed start large animals from 150 HP to 100 HP.
-Changed wolf start hp from 150 to 125.
-Changed bear start hp from 225 to 200.

-Fixed player rotation after climbing.
-Fixed unable to interact in tight spaces.
-Fixed able to access mallet menu for unclaimed building objects you don't own.
-Fixed goose attack doing no damage.
-Fixed rock hit sounds.
-Fixed loading screen disappearing before character is loaded.
-Fixed selected hotbar slot being blocked.
-Fixed player rotation after climbing.
-Fixed unable to attach ramp to triangle foundation.
-Fixed troll attacks.
-Fixed block character rotation state.
-Fixed able to rotate character while sitting.
-Fixed bucket quest.
-Fixed AI spawning on player buildings.

-Optimized dedicated server.

-Updated simple repair kit to have no level requirements.
-Updated repair kits to allow max stack of 5.

-Raised starter staffs from 50 durability to 150.

Windows Kingdom of Atham: Crown of the Champions Content Depot 1676381
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