- Removed Healing Beacon, replaced with Cryo Dash.
- Removed Shatter, replaced with Frost Guillotine.
- Reduced Freezing Lifeline cooldown to 20 seconds.
- Buffed Freezing Lifeline heal to 15% per absorbed tick.
- Removed double movement for dodge. Dodge is now single key input. (default Space)
- Moved Roll to double key input. (default Space)
- Attack will no longer interrupt dodge/roll but instead it will be queued to be performed as soon as character dodge/roll animation assumes good footing.
- Running opener attack now guaranteed on sprint.
- Increased scale of Silicon Visage by 15%.
- Silicon Visage critical chance reduced to 0%.
- Reduced tail swipe attack by 50%. Instead will perform dodge as reposition.
- Reduced amount of time Baby Silicons screamed.
- Added 3 abilities to Silicon Visage. Scream / Projectiles / Thunderstorm
- Added breakable meshes in Silicon Visage area.
- Frost Edict now applies two debuffs instead of one.
- Replaced medium flux injectors to strong flux injectors.
- Increased Ionization Fluid from 2 to 4.
- Silicon Visage no longer charges if player is under stun debuff.
- Minor improvements to Silicon Visage melee attacks.
- Better block animations on Silicon Visage tail attacks.
- Halved Baby Silicons damage.
- Increased duration between Baby Silicons dive.
- Increased aggressiveness of Baby Silicons.
- Added blue overlay over abilities that can't be used due to lack of Flux.
- Added numerical value of remaining ability cooldowns.
- Increased visibility of ability icons upon cooldowns.
- Added description of abilities and items to quickwheel.
- Raised lock-on on Silicon Visage.
- Added hit reactions to Baby Silicons.
- FOV slider values tweaked. (60-80)
- Resolution Scale slider values tweaked. (0.0-1.5)
- Added ability videos on character select.
- Added splash screen containing usable controls.
- Fixed hit reactions on Silicon Visage.
- Fixed hit detection on Silicon Visage wings and tail.
- Fixed staying in ragdoll if Silicon Visage died during tail swipe.
- Fixed Silicon Visage getting stuck on bridge.
- Fixed Silicon Visage jumping in air mid player attacks on low fps.
- Fixed "teleporting" of Silicon Visage after certain attacks.
- Fixed some settings not registering.
- Baby Visage optimization. >FPS Improvement.
- Removed intro song being played at start.
- Fixed breathing sounds being heard during loading screen.
- Removed "Caution" VFX from player heavy attacks.
- Fixed falling under floor if Silicon Visage sends you flying with tail. (Needs more testing just in case, can no longer reproduce.)
- Fixed certain sounds not being connected to settings audio levels.
- Automatic Show/Hide HUD now works properly.
- Greatly reduced choppiness of sound on phase transitions.
- Can no longer lock-on dead enemies.
- Lock-on reticule now properly gets removed on enemy/player death.
- Silicon Visage no longer blinds the player on death.
- Baby Silicons no longer clip through ground on death.
- Silicon Visage no longer hits self with laser.
- Fixed some missing sounds on Baby Silicons.
- Silicon Visage no longer stomp on baby silicons.
- Silicon Visage now properly heals self if any baby silicons are left alive after phase shift.
- Silicon Visage no longer drops aggro after phase shift if player is to far away.
- Fixed Camera distance setting not working post patch 3358926.
- New ability icons.
- New debuff icons.
- Removed Composure bar.
- New stat bars visuals.
- Boss HP HUD overhaul.
- New Combo icons.
- Added debuff remaining time visuals.
- Ability cooldown visuals reversed.
Changed files in this update