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Malice & Greed update for 9 January 2022

New Items & Void Rewards! Pixie Forest is here! Tough Tactics returns!

Share · View all patches · Build 7991501 · Last edited 9 January 2022 – 08:09:07 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

The Pixie Forest has been added, allowing you to modify your resistances during your run.

Combat Techniques now have their own pool of upgrades that can be offered to you through the Battle Arts option. More of these will be added in the near future.

Note: You can use combat techniques without breaking your Guard the way using a skill does - including True Strike.

EDIT: "Reinforce 2" now also has the ability "Using Skills no longer breaks your Guard."

Divine Purge now has 2 more upgrade options:

Tough Tactics is back! The new version of Tough Tactics will offer to sell you a Technique Upgrade, an Elite Skill, and a Rare Skill - but the first time you visit Tommy each run you can claim a Technique Upgrade & Elite skill for free!

A variety of new items have been added:

Arcade Token - Boss Item
Gain 7 Max HP, 2 random Potential, and a random Essence.

Black Mask - Boss Item
When your team's round starts, gain a Fading Crystal. You can no longer enter Demonform.

The Old Fog - Boss Item
When your team's round starts, gain a Fading Crystal, and all allies lose 5 HP.

Void Sphere - Boss Item
The first time an ally becomes a corpse each round, gain a Fading Crystal.

Electric Eye - Boss Item
The first time an enemy becomes a corpse each round, gain a Fading Crystal.

Double Helix - Legendary Item
Summoning allies is free.

Item Buffs:

  • Steel Toe Boot changed from Common Item to Boss Item, now inflicts 3 Maim instead of 1.

  • Wolf Head changed from Common Item to Rare Item, now applies 3 Enrage instead of 1.

  • Severed Head now Potentiates 2 times per kill instead of 1.

  • Refined Crystal now adds 2 Crystals on the first round instead of 1.

  • Tesseract now brings you to a minimum of 4 Crystals instead of 2. Self-freeze builds, go crazy.

  • Jordan Crystal now increases all Potentials by 2 instead of 1.

  • Crash Dummy now gives you 2 free escapes instead of 1.

  • Intimidating Mask now destroys 2 enemy crystals instead of 1.

  • Voodoo Doll now inflicts 7 HP loss instead of 5.

  • Firework now also adds Cull 15 to your first hit.

  • Tactician's Map now applies Guard to all allies when the battle starts.

  • Poison Arrow no longer activates when an ally uses a Hunt Skill. It now activates when an ally deals 13 or more damage, and it now also gives that damage Hunt.

Recategorized Items:

  • Cursed Horn moved from Boss Item to Common Item.

  • Reinforced Plating moved from Common Item to Rare Item.

  • Laser Claw moved from Legendary Item to Boss Item.

  • Hunter's Mark moved from Boss Item to Legendary Item.

  • Crystal Ball moved from Boss Item to Rare Item.

  • Filter Mask moved from Rare Item to Boss Item.

The Island Fort Event has been buffed:
The upgrades now add a Legendary Item and an Essence into the available reward choices.

Windows English Malice & Greed Content Depot 1566091
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