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Astatos update for 7 January 2022

Astatos v0.1.4 Update

Share · View all patches · Build 7986484 · Last edited 7 January 2022 – 19:09:13 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

To the Crown Mages,

Today we have updated the version of Astatos to 0.1.4. This update was pushed due to some time-sensitive changes needing to be made to the server to improve it's stability.

As a result of this update being release a little suddenly, some changes to the game are currently a work in progress. Over the past week, we've been working on a clean-up and refactor to the code for Trials to provide us a nicer codebase to continue working on. As a part of this, thousand of lines of code have been modified.

Due to this, you may find both fixes to areas such as the Trial Stage; as well as new bugs in other places as we continue to work through the codebase. We aim to resolve any issues as they are reported, but also ask for some more time to get everything in tip-top shape!

  • From the team at Studio Klondike


  • Updated some server code as we continue to work on improving server uptime.
  • Decreased the amount of time a player takes to disconnect when their internet connection cuts out from 60 seconds to 20 seconds.
  • Added a limit to the maximum amount of Rank you can lose after losing a battle in a Takeover Trial.
  • Fixed an issue resulting in the incorrect amount of Monera being awarded upon level up after a Conquest Trial.
  • Updated the Simplified Chinese font to include missing characters from the story mode.
  • Fixed some typos in the User Manual.
  • Heroes will no longer display the incorrect amount of Energy required to summon them in the Hero Summon Menu.
Work in Progress
  • Trial Stage code refactor. Card sending and refunds should now be more predictable. More fixes to come.
  • Hero Stage code refactor. The general code for the Hero Stage has been revised, with the code for each Hero Ability remaining a work in progress.
  • The Hero, Lysander now costs +1 Energy to summon in both Conquest and Takeover Trials.
Known Issues
  • The Hero Ability for Krokos does not work properly on Makari-Hari's side. We hope to get this fixed within the next 24 hours. This issue has now been fixed. If you previously downloaded the v0.1.4 patch, you may need to download the latest version by restarting Steam.
  • The Hero Ability for Makari-Hari did not work correctly in Conquest Trials. This issue has now been fixed. If you previously downloaded the v0.1.4 patch, you may need to download the latest version by restarting Steam.
  • The Hero Ability for Varius did not work correctly. This issue has now been fixed. If you previously downloaded the v0.1.4 patch, you may need to download the latest version by restarting Steam.
Windows 64-bit Astatos Windows Depot 1430971
  • Loading history…
macOS 64-bit Astatos macOS Depot 1430972
  • Loading history…
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