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Andalia update for 7 January 2022

New Years Update

Share · View all patches · Build 7986125 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello everyone!

Here comes another batch of changes in _Andalia _with some, in my view, meaningful gameplay improvements:

First off, units are now capable of automatically starting attacking nearby enemy buildings rather than relying on a manual player command to do so. Still, enemy units are preferred targets over enemy buildings.

Also: If a unit auto-persecutes an enemy unit, it may now decide to switch to attacking a different, closer unit, if it hasn't reached its current target yet. This should make it more difficult to lure units along by pulling out a single unit from a skirmish.

A further useful feature: Now it is possible to set waypoints for a unit by shift + right clicking onto target locations. This also works on the mini map. Early game scouting should be a lot more convenient with this.

The current target location, including any waypoints, of the currently selected unit are now displayed as little crosses on the mini map.
The target marker of a recruitment building is likewise now displayed on the mini map and can be additionally set by right clicking on the latter.

Buildings are now more differentiated on the mini map. The main building has gotten a slightly larger, more prominent icon. Wall pieces now have a different icon aswell.

Some glitches have been addressed with units trying to get onto walls, so they should have it easier to get onto the battlements and align themselves on them now.

Catapults, Catapult Lizards and Ogre Stonehurlers can now hit several enemy units at once if these are close nearby.

Shooting building now automatically switch their target if the latter happens to get behind an object that blocks the incoming missiles.

Windows 64-bit Andalia Content Depot 1743881
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