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Battle Map Studio update for 7 January 2022

Patch Notes 220107

Share · View all patches · Build 7985573 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hey everyone,
I fixed a bunch of annoying bugs and added/updated the desk props.

Here are the changes:

  • Updated the models that sit on top of the Sazi Desks so that they're all using the latest custom models intended for their model set.
  • Added two missing Sazi Desk variants.
  • Updated asset addressable groups to allow for more modular editing of assets without requiring big downloads on updates. Sorry for the big download sizes! The way I had configured the asset library was such that there were smaller groups of a large number of assets. Changing an asset in one of those groups would change the group, resulting in needing to upload (and you download) the entire group again in a patch. I have reorganized the asset library to have more groups of fewer assets. This increases the disk footprint of the game somewhat, but should reduce the download size of future patches that include asset changes.
  • Fixed a bug with walls and other props that have different configurations for hex and square coordinates. Unity sometimes just decides to corrupt addressable prefabs, which resulted in odd and unpredictable problems. Thanks Unity.
  • Fixed a bug where moving a unit would not always update the underlying position index, causing problems with moving, undoing, and redoing movement.
  • Fixed a bug where deleted isolated/locked blocks would remain isolated/locked after deleted.
  • Fixed a bug where when the randomized styles toggle was on, dragging to create a room would create tiles using the wrong style group.
  • Fixed a bug with calculating the height of a block where the method didn't always account for tiles on top of blocks.
  • Fixed various material issues affecting a couple furniture objects.
  • Fixed a minor visual bug where selecting any of the carpet objects would also outline invisible sphere colliders.
  • Fixed a bug where an object's position offset was not correct after undoing deletion.
  • Fixed a bug where tile objects would display position offsets on brush targets.
  • Fixed a visual bug where attack effects would not be created.
  • Fixed a visual bug where the character/object rendered when hovering over an element in the palette would always display the same style.

Thanks! 🙂

Windows 64-bit Battle Map Studio Win64 Depot 1189191
  • Loading history…
macOS 64-bit Battle Map Studio macOS Depot 1189192
  • Loading history…
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