- Added hundreths of a second to the challenge timer displays for better speedrun accuracy
- Fixed the case where you could stay stuck in a lockpick during the transition between the hotel and Dragon Island in Mission 6
- Reduced the possibility of network crashes during the lockpick gameplay
- Fixed the black screen that stays displayed when restarting a challenge from the death screen
- Reduced possibility that some achievements don't trigger
- Fixed bug where symbols were not resetting properly at the end of challenge 2
- Fixed bug where the arrows of the Gauge Control app in challenge 2 could not be selected when using a gamepad
- Fixed bug where the Challenge mode icon did not appear on the mission selection screen after being unlocked
- Added FPS Limiter in Settings
- Made the Discord link in the Challenge screen clickable
- Fixed bug where the Hacker could not send an appointment in Mission 2 when that player’s computer had some Windows regional settings like Thai
Operation Tango update for 19 January 2022
v 2.01_00
Patchnotes via Steam Community
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