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Racket: Nx update for 6 January 2022

Update Notes 2.5.0 - Custom Avatars

Share Β· View all patches Β· Build 7980732 Β· Last edited 6 January 2022 – 18:26:05 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hey everyone Update 2.5.0 is Live now!

What's new:

πŸ… Achievements - a bunch of challenges to be unlocked, check out the new profile menu.

πŸ”₯ Avatar Customizations - customize your avatar with unlockable items.

πŸ†š Versus season 5
3 new Versus sets:
🌟 Adhara by Sinteck
πŸŒ• Moonshot by Unmarked
πŸ›°οΈ Sputnik II by Boztizch

3 new Versus rules:
πŸ“ Wave clock - instead of a 5 minutes round clock, we now have a 1 minute wave clock. When it ends, the next wave loads.
πŸ“ Shot clock - From the moment the ball changes to your color, you have 8 seconds to take your shot before your turn ends.
πŸ“ Score cap - The maximum score per shot is 500 points (diminishing returns above 250).

🚧 Change log from the last Beta version:
πŸ“ Rule change: 100 points bonus for the last target reverted back to 50 points.
πŸ› οΈ Tweak: Wave end sound changed.
🐞 Bug fix: Wave skipped bug
🐞 Bug fix: Shielded portals in multiplayer bug fix.
🐞 Bug fix: Wrecking ball ending sound plays after the powerup ended.
🐞 Bug fix: Announcer not announcing the score between rounds in Versus.

πŸ—’οΈ Note: The January MC will start early next week.


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