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ΔV: Rings of Saturn update for 7 January 2022

0.439.3 - The Bughunt Encounter

Share · View all patches · Build 7980468 · Last edited 7 January 2022 – 12:09:06 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
  • Reconnaissance drone camera offset, configured to show equal space around your ship even if your heads-up display is taking over the lower segment - is bound now to the Eagle Prospector HUD and not the ship. Retrofitting another HUD will reset the offset making the Eagle display on the centre of your screen.
  • Turning on the hardware mouse pointer will not interfere with gamepad controls anymore.
  • When you select a different language but cancel the changes, the selection box will revert to the currently used language.
  • Your geologist will not display multiple readings for a single ore chunk in case of an onboard computer reboot.
  • Titan Heavy Industries Cargo Containers captured inside Elon Interstellar Model E cargo hold won’t show up on top of its cargo bay anymore.
  • Ships won’t wiggle on the docking arm at Enceladus.
  • Changed location of cradle mounts on Eagle Prospector for Titan Heavy Industries Cargo Containers and Nakamura-Titan Mining Companions. Cradles are now located in the front, out of the way of thruster fire. This allows mining with companions still attached and makes gimbaled thrusters able to decelerate your ship without overheating drone reactors.
  • Fixed a bug that caused multiple notifications with the same name and face to appear when you received multiple notifications regarding your crew simultaneously.
  • You can’t turn in the same ship or lifepod for a bounty multiple times by flying away and returning to drop point.
  • Added video ram conservation mode for graphics cards whose drivers incorrectly report VRAM usage to the game engine. Using more VRAM than your card has caused the framerate to drop significantly. You can now force removal of unused textures, conserving memory at cost of additional loading times. The default, the automatic setting will attempt to detect if you need VRAM conservation by checking your framerate and will apply the setting automatically.
  • General VRAM optimization decreases video ram usage across all systems.
  • Articulated mass drivers mounted on Eagle Prospector will now aim slightly outwards and are mounted further away, preventing them from hitting the Prospector’s nose when tracing passing targets.
  • Some large asteroids were immune to being targeted by the autopilot after you bumped into them with your cargo bay open.
  • Changed the way the initial cutscene computes the velocity of your ship, making your ring entry point much more consistent. This prevents some light, high thrust ship builds from stopping before even entering the rings and makes heavy, slow ships stop sooner.
  • Faces in the comms screen will now appear for dialogues that were received when the OMS screen was hidden.
  • Adjusted ship initialization routines to repress physics computation until all the ship systems are fully loaded into the engine, which prevents some ships from spinning and moving directly after spawning. This fixes a number of glitches related to astrogation and the equipment preview screen, which could be with some ship configurations.
  • The Ganymedean Anarchy station won’t greet you with trading dialogue if you dock without agreeing to trade.
  • When following a pirate to his base, you won’t encounter two stations anymore.
  • Disabling a pirate ship and staying near it no longer counts as following it to its base.
Windows ΔV: Rings of Saturn Windows Depot 846031
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Linux ΔV: Rings of Saturn Linux Depot 846032
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macOS ΔV: Rings of Saturn Mac Depot 846034
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