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WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition update for 6 January 2022

Patch v1.0.8c Released!

Share · View all patches · Build 7980309 · Last edited 6 January 2022 – 17:09:07 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community


  • Adjusted how NPC wolf personalities are created, so fewer will have "average" personalities in the middle of the ranges.
  • More ravens now circle above carcasses.
  • Stranger wolves now tuck their tails when fleeing after losing a fight.
  • Leaving wolf creation/modifying panel with unsaved changed now displays a confirmation notification on screen.
  • Reduced the required howling time to place a carcass marker (because for wolves with long howls, some players had trouble placing markers if they didn't let the how finish completely.)
  • Adjusted the single-tap (on spacebar or other key) duration requirement to be more accepting of various tap styles.
  • Improvements to mate's behavior when following player.
  • On Easy difficulty, cougars are much too easy to thwart.
  • Carcasses spawn more readily now when player is low on health and food.
  • Multiplayer lobby: New column indicating private games.
  • Icons for Original Coats in Wolf Customization now show those actual coats (previously showed icons for the Classic Coats).
  • Added "Hide Ironwolves" toggle in My Wolves and Setup New Game panel.
  • Improvements to mate hunting behavior.
  • Mate is more eager to attack calves and fawns during calf-mother fights.
  • Mate is a bit less jumpy when attacked.


  • Slough Creek multiplayer: Sometimes no music playing after leaving den.
  • SC multiplayer: When choosing rendezvous site, text on World Map refers to dens instead.
  • If you bite-hold a stranger wolf while sliding down a slope, wolves stop but camera keeps sliding.
  • Mate (and other animals) too eager to slow down when encountering obstacles.
  • Mate won't quite go home when sent home alone.
  • Game stalls at end of sleep period if a notification is trying to be displayed but cannot.
  • Sometimes mate doesn't return to player after a hunting excursion.
  • Mate still too easily "distracted" when following the player
  • Mate sometimes falls behind for no good reason and has to catch up to the player.
  • Mate gets stuck in loops near creeks when moving on their own.
  • NPCs can get stuck behind mid-sized obstacles.
  • Pups don't come out when mate returns home alone.
  • Wolves sometimes don't react to dangerous prey animals, letting the prey pummel them to death. (In particular, mate when traveling alone and running into bison.)
  • Wolf pup carcass does not glow in scent view.
  • In rare situations, mid-distance terrain does not get rendered when Enhanced Vegetation is enabled.
  • In multiplayer chat panel, the scrollbar does not go to the right place if the player sends a message with the bar above the bottom.
  • In multiplayer lobby, in a very specific state, game could stay stuck on "changing multiplayer region" notification.
  • If number keys are remapped by player, then the multiplayer input keys can trigger other actions.
  • Interface elements specific to pup-raising sometimes appear on other maps.
  • Cursor focus is lost on the Bug Reporter when a non-pausing notification appears behind it.
  • Stranger wolves do not always howl after chasing the player out of their territory.
  • Missing text on notification when grizzly or coyotes give up den raid.
  • In Slough Creek story mode, problems ensue if a player is inside the den when the pack begins to move to another den, or to the rendezvous site.
  • In multiplayer lobby, if the list of games refreshes, the current selection can switch to a newly added game.
  • Sometimes carcasses decay much too quickly. (Fix will work only in new games.)
  • In certain circumstances, player can get stuck in den at end of Raise Pups quest.
  • Cougar never arrives at den during raid.
  • Typos.
  • Terrain and water issues.
macOS 64-bit WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition (Mac) Depot 926992
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