"You cannot dull my wild spirit!"
– Qin Xa, Master of the Keshig
Update v2.1.2 has been released on all platforms. It prepares the game for the upcoming content in the final wave of the Galaxy in Flames expansion, which will bring 20 new neutral cards and add the expansion crates to the Shop.
This release also brings a few improvements and bug fixes:
- New Achievements related to the Galaxy in Flames expansion
- New Shield animation
- Fix a synchronisation error when winning a match with Qin Xa in certain circumstances
- Fix error viewing related cards in hand, on PC and Steam
- Fix error showing the Bastion trait on units returned to hand
- Fix error showing weapon's health while in hand (except on iOS, where it will be fixed in the next update)
As more and more troops join the fight for Terra, new decks and strategies become available. Adapt and prevail!
Changed files in this update