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Slipways update for 6 January 2022

Thursday tune-up

Share · View all patches · Build 7979434 · Last edited 6 January 2022 – 13:06:10 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

This is a bugfix patch that fixes the following issues:

  • Campaign: There are two missions that require completing work at a structure, than going through one final event happening at that structure. Previously, if the work was completed in the last year, the mission would not be completable, since there was no time to do the event. Now, if that happens, the game gives you one last "bonus" action to complete the event and the whole mission.
  • Ctrl- Tooltips: If you're playing with "sticky help keys", the content of the tooltips should now react properly to new technologies being invented and other ways in which new industries become available. Previously, tooltips could display outdated information until you cycled them off and on.
  • Habitats: Changed the display for both the structure-based and asteroid-based habitats. They do not count as full-fledged successful and prosperous planets, and the way they're displayed now should be less confusing in that regard.
  • Ripples in Space: Planets would display "needs stabilization" instead of "not colonized" when you try to connect a slipway to them, even after being stabilized.
  • Typos: Fixed in several English descriptions.

This patch brings the version numbers up to v1.2 (b896) on Windows and v1.2 (b897) on Mac.

Windows Slipways Content Depot 1264281
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macOS Slipways Content Mac OS X Depot 1264282
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