- To address the issue of the screen being stuttering during certain events, the event images display of the pool and spring have been temporarily minimized.
- The effect of AC change spells on enemies will no longer work if the target's spell resistance is 100%.
- Increased the probability of being cursed when equipment with a limited equipable personality is identify by an appraiser with a non-equipable personality.
- Characters and monsters that had AC+99 at the start of battle were no longer affect to AC changes caused by spells during battle.
- The NPC's "When there are no more items in stock" event did not occur even if the conditions were met.
- The "Item Teleportation (Yes)" event did not work properly.
- In the "Selectable Moving Floor" event, "Move West" was wrong to "Move East".
- The background was not updated correctly when "Yes" was selected in the "Selective Moving Floor" event.
- Weapons with certain conditions could disappear when sorted in the item box.
- The effects of SP "Wizard's Memory" and "priest Spell Memory" have been switched.
- The name of the "training ground" set in the scenario was not reflected.
- When selling stackable consumables at once in the store, the inventory amount was calculated incorrectly.
- In some cases, items would disappear from the store when sorting through the inventory of magic items.
- When removing a magical effect from a store, the removal cost displayed was incorrect.
- When removing a magical effect from a store, if the total amount of money in the party was less than the removal cost, the effect could be removed for free.
- The map name and selection item of the spell "Teleportation" would sometimes differ.
- The cursor would not move to the next indeterminate item after a successful identify by the bishop.
- Shoot animation was not correct.
- Reviewed the initial volume setting process when starting a new scenario and when starting up.
- Revised text color processing for items in scenarios other than using AUTO magic effect.
Changed files in this update