Currently we disabled the crouch function, comes back in later updates.
■ Added missing translations
■ Fixed error with some translations
■ Added menu button "save" if press esc
■ Added more variables for bugreports, now we can see if camerashaking on/off
■ Added function to sell each goldnugget in bottle at npc "goldsell"
■ Added function to sell single goldnugget at npc "goldsell"
■ Added different material for item "bucket01", to show cleanout material
■ Changed lighting settings
■ Changed fences for claims
■ Changed detection range for object "gate" in store
■ Added footstep sounds to object "plantpot01"
■ Fixed error with sending bugreports
■ Fixed error with closing window "buyvehicle"
■ Fixed error with open cover for item "smeltingfurnace01"
■ Fixed error with held nozzle from gaspump while interact with other items
■ Fixed error with moving arm2 without workmode for vehicle "miniexcavator01"
■ Fixed error with delete items, if put inside item "dumpster01"
■ Fixed error with attach item "table01" to vehicles
■ Fixed error with attach item "table02" to vehicles
■ Fixed error with register items multiple times for loadingbay areas
■ Fixed error with scale for item "tent01"
■ Fixed error with detect cleanout material in item "bucket01"
■ Fixed error with sell gold at npc "goldsell"
■ Fixed other reported issues
■ Improved interaction for item "table01"
■ Improved interaction for item "table02"
■ Fixed error with load items after loading the savegame
■ Fixed error with load vehicles after loading the savegame
Changed files in this update