Hello blacksmiths,
thanks to great community playthrough I can bring you a lot of bug fixes that were found on the way:
- Elemental guardians on first gemstone batches will always be level 3 (down from a random 3-4)
- 2 additional quests added for fighting trainer and sign-up for tournament to guide player better through Arena feature
- Weekly trainings translated into all languages
Bug fixes:
- Ice elemental card will no longer overlap damage icon
- Ressurecting Terrick will properly remove his 'dead' icon
- 'Dangerous Venom' quest can now be rejected in the Bulletin board
- 'Amber Eye' quest reject and close buttons no longer use incorrect image
- fixed 'Magic dust' image scaling in victory screen
- Credits screen button 'OK' can now be clicked off the screen and won't overlap text
- fixed a bug where losing any arena battle could potentialy break any crafting and block the game
- fixed missing text when trying to recruit another gladiator or enter sparring with trainer
- fixed German translation texts
- fixed incorrect bandit group icons in other languages
- fixed remaining translations of dungeons and enemy groups during battle
- fixed misaligned text of Trait 3 for Priestess and Warlock
- Library 'L' will now be only accessed after you reach Commonwealth Lvl. 2 and will no longer add 20 Essence crystals
- moving to Wanborne will now also move all employees automatically
- slightly adjusted Wanborne camera boundaries for Arena entrance and zooming input modifier
- Arena enemy UI will now start after the camera position, not before
- fixed incorrect auto-sell icon for Gloves part in German/Russian language
- achievement when moving to Wanborne will add correct new floor and walls
- starting/finishing quests should no longer trigger multiple rewards or some UI issues
- 'Minecraft' quest translation for German language reduced to fit in the UI
These notes are also included in the game.
Thanks all for doing great work and keep it up! <3
VM Machal
Changed files in this update