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League Manager 2022 update for 4 January 2022

Notice - Update for new year 2022

Share · View all patches · Build 7968871 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello, this is League Manager.

This notice is about funtional and contents update.
The new year of 2022 has come! Happy new year for all Directors.

1. Add player information sorting function

  • In the Player Information tab, it has been improved to enable ascending or descending alignment in items such as name, overall ability, KDA, physical strength, etc.

2. It has been improved so that you can see the player's potential in the player's detail information.

**3. It has been improved so that the player's detailed information can be displayed on the training and broadcasting tabs.

[b]4. If you mouse over the champion's image, you can be aware the name of the champion, the proportion of AD and AP and the champion's five top outstanding abilities. **

5. In the ban pick scene, we added a filtering function to enable ban pick while looking at the champion proficiency of your team and your opponent.

6. it has been Improved of AI's ban pick

7. The BanPick combination has been improved to affect the game.
ex1) If the proportion of AP and AD is not balanced, it adversely affects the later in the game.
ex2) It is difficult to deal with if there is no initiating champion when you face to the forking combination.

8. It has been improved to indicate the maintenance time of Baron and Elder Dragon Buff during the game.

9. Indicate the revival time of the champion who died during the game.

10. Color was added to the main situation relay text during the game.

Thank you.

Windows League Manager 2022 Depot Depot 1745401
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