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Dungeon Runner update for 4 January 2022

Black Tera Region Update V4.0.0

Share · View all patches · Build 7967288 · Last edited 4 January 2022 – 05:09:13 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hi Runners,

It's finally time the Major Update V4.0.0 is live. There is a lot to discuss and many new things to do in-game towards the end-game content. So let's start with all the new stuff.

Team Work System: Right now, in the end-game, the monster is much more robust, and if you want to defeat them, you need an excellent team to do that. And so the best option to do that is to make the team with one Tank, two DPS, and one Healer so that you can keep your team buffed up and alive for what is to come.
Monster LVL cap Increased: So right now, we increased the Monster Cap to 155, so the monster will hit harder, and it will take much longer to kill them. So you will need to train your team hard to defeat these monsters.
New Classes: We added two new players to the roster. The first one is Rio the Tank and Nova the Priest. These two will help you a lot, and soon they will get their Class change too.
Class Change: All classes have their class change now (Rio, Nova not included)
New region: A whole new region to discover and look around
New Armor Set: There is also a new Strong armor set with this incredible new region.
DLC Pack: We change the DLC pack with more items to make a start much better and give you a better jump to the end game with a jackpot of gold and Dungeon items for crafting an early solid weapon.
And so much more!

There is so much more in the making for this game so keep looking and wishlist it and put it in your library, so you don't miss out!

Have a nice day, you all.
CH-Gaming Studio

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