Hey there folks!
We're nearing the release of V1.2. To make sure we're all set, we really want to playtest the heck out of it!
So far, the new update has:
- New weapons
- Rebalanced weapons
- The ability to pick your starter weapon
- Rebalanced items and perks
- Rebalanced chest drop rates and added a new type of chest: The weapon chest.
- And other things which are too much to write out here!
We're currently on version 1.2E3 (The E means it's a beta build!). More detailed patchnotes can be found on our discord.
"Well, how do I help?" Great question, Voice-in-my-head #5! We've currently releasing the beta on a branch inside of Steam. It might sound complicated, but it isn't! All you have to know, is that by selecting a different 'branch' of the game in Steam, you switch to the new version.
In order to switch branch:
- Go to steam
- Right click on Samurai Shampoo in your library
- Click on Properties
- Click on
- Select the "updatetestbranch"
- If Steam asks for an access code, leave it blank and press ok.
If you ever want to switch back to the 'current' Samurai Shampoo, switch to the 'default' branch instead of the 'updatetestbranch'.
The best way to give us feedback, report bugs, or discuss the update with other fans, you can join our discord. Alternatively, feel free to make a thread in the Steam Forums :)
We're excited to see what you think!
Joey and Luke.
PS. Here's a picture of the new weapon selection screen:
Changed depots in updatetestbranch branch