This update is a pretty big pass at the game feel. With the help of our small community, I've been honing in on the things that make Soran feel fun and unique, and with this update I wanted to make design decisions that emphasized those things. This update features three new maps for matchmaking, custom matches, and bot fights as well as new sounds, refined mechanics, bug fixes, and balance changes.
I'm hoping that these new more detailed maps will help create more memorable inner narratives for matches. The Defenestrator is at the core of Soran, yet until these maps there were maybe two windows in the whole multiplayer that you could use to defenestrate other players. I think it will be a lot more fun to literally push your opponent out a window or down an elevator shaft rather than just "off of that one corner on the orange map". So I hope enjoy these new opportunities to do things like grapple up a mountain, parkour up a fire escape, slide jump between rooftops, melt in hot lava, and of course defenestrate enemies through dozens of new windows.
I'm also going to start hosting weekly test nights in our Discord starting this Sunday 1/9. I hope to see y'all there!
-3 New Maps, Corporate, Summit, and Brownstone added to matchmaking, custom matches, and Bot fights
-New model for The Defenestrator
-New Model for The Sun Beam
-The Sun Beam now requires sunlight (or moonlight) to fire
-New Sound FX for the Grapple
-Grapple no longer stops falling players movement
-New sound and smoke FX added to ammo to help differentiate colors
-Ammo mounts remain on map after ammo is picked up to help remind players of ammo spawn locations
-New Sound FX added for ADS, Weapon swapping, and Bullet ricochets
-Outline Post Process Effect removed
-Player can now slide diagonally while moving forward (slide speed scales down as angle from reticule increases)
-Fixed a bug causing sounds to detach from their respective weapons
-Updated ammo placement for all maps
-Movement sounds added to all AI
-Updated in game UI
-Updated level geometry to fix small prop, texturing, and z-fighting issues
-Projectiles no longer collide with each other (i.e. glass and puddles can't spawn mid air, and grappling doob bug is gone)
Changed files in this update