The next campaign level, “Smugglers”, is finally out! In addition to this level being released, this update also features a new weapon that can be unlocked after beating the new mission – the Grey Wolf M4 CQBR, a custom higher-end variant of the default M4 CQBR.
Full Changelog
- Smugglers campaign level
- Grey Wolf M4 CQBR
- Map objective markers
- Map has been added to all campaign levels
- Help article on flashlight usage
- Beep notification sound which now plays whenever a tutorial is displayed to the screen.
- 33 more weapon usage sounds (aiming, returning to idle/ready position, switching shoulders, swapping weapons)
- Dawn colors are more yellow
- Doors no longer make the “click” interaction sound when opened or closed, and now only play the door’s open/close sound
- M4 and M4 CQBR side-view sprites now have rail covers on the side picatinny rails of their handguards
- Wolf HQ chairs no longer randomizes colors
- Friendly AI will not longer react to your flashlight
- In-game map system can now support switching maps during the same mission (such as in campaign levels)
- Interaction tutorial moved from the “Scent of Prey” mission to the “Welcome to Obatenwe” mission
- Civilian NPCs now use randomized clothing colors
- Wolf HQ perimeter fence colliders corrected so they can’t be walked through
- Wolf HQ roof trigger sizes now match world roof sizes
- Player scale always returns to 1 after exiting vehicles that have been scaled up/down
- Story introduction level uses correct ambient sounds again
- New guns equipped during a mission now use the correct sights
- Contract map transitions are no longer framerate dependent
- Repacking magazines no longer causes an index out-of-bounds exception
Changed files in this update