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Alpha Shark update for 3 January 2022

Feedback patch

Share · View all patches · Build 7964726 · Last edited 3 January 2022 – 13:59:14 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Here is a patch composed mostly of player feedback! It includes things mentioned by several people in reviews and discussions threads (as interpreted to the best of my understanding). 🦈


  • Increased shark rotation speed in 3rd person
  • Fixed / Changed 1st person rotation issues causing weird camera behavior / dizziness
  • Clamped camera pitch to 90 degrees to prevent losing control in some cases
  • Fixed issue with camera transition between perspectives
  • Fast swim will now automatically trigger movement (this also allows swimming with the left trigger on the controller)
  • Collected treasure will now be saved based on achievement state and progress will be saved (If you already have it, it will be saved!).
  • Eaten fish count will now be saved (This counter will reset on update, and then track from now on)
  • Added UI toggle for treasure indicator
  • Fish larger than the sharks mouth will now be eaten in chunks instead of swallowed whole
  • Shark mass now proportional to size / weight
  • Fixed innocuous null reference
  • Mitigated a bug that crashes fish generation after host migration
  • Fixed a floating rock

Known issues

  • In rare cases host migration and or a connection to the host fails partially (though in what way is currently unknown), this may result in fish no longer spawning for some clients. The only fix is to restart the server or potentially change hosts (host leaves and rejoins). If you experience something like this please let me know the details surrounding the event.
  • Joining a server that has been running for a while when the CPU is in high usage (low performance, other apps running in background, etc.) may result in the client playing catch up and low frame rate until the fish have loaded. Symptoms of this may include seaweed / coral not appearing quickly (tied to CPU / FPS ). This can safely be ignored, it just might take a minute or so for things to load after you join if the CPU is busy doing other things.
Alpha Shark Content Depot 1806401
  • Loading history…
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