Lots of people have already started playing around with the Level Editor, and as expected there's been some bugs discovered by the community. There's also been lots of feedback for various features, some of which I've added in this patch:
Level Editor
- Add panels to individually modify the transform (location ,rotation, scale) in the level editor
- Add support for 3D text in the level editor
- Prevent cloning of the Start (Golden Capsule) and End (Golden Stick) objects.
- Allow the user to delete/uninstall levels
- Show warning dialog when you're about to discard unsaved changes
- Prevent cloning of the Start (Golden Capsule) and End (Golden Stick) objects.
- The End (Golden Stick) is now stationary (not hovering up and down) while in Edit Mode
- The Duplicate Key (Left Alt) has been replaced with Ctrl-C (Copy), Ctrl-V (Paste) and Ctrl-X (Cut)
- The key to toggle the Edit/Play mode has been changed from X to T.
- Objects can no longer be scaled negatively
- Pressing B will teleport you to the selected object
- Holding Left Shift will increase the Edit mode camera speed
- Fix various bugs with the undo/redo system
- Add smaller sound effects for various actions
- Disable Open Folder button if there's no local file stored yet
- Fix Steam Workshop redirect link
- Tentative fix for a level editor crash
- Add customizable key bindings
- Add keybind to respawn to practice lamp ONLY (it won't do anything if you don't have a lamp placed)
- Fix Fly Cam exploit that allowed the player to effectively fly in play mode
- Fix being able to bunny hop on top of Kill zones
- Add mistake counter for the current run, meaning not only the total amount of mistakes is shown
Changed files in this update