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Super High Ball: Pinball Platformer update for 3 January 2022

Canon inputs update.

Share · View all patches · Build 7962887 · Last edited 3 January 2022 – 01:09:06 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community


This is a tiny update adding a new setting to the way you can control the canons with the mouse.
Before, you could center the cursor on the canon upon activation, then aim by moving the mouse around it. Or you could pre-aim the canon with your mouse cursor on the screen, and this was still relative to the canon location.
I have added a new setting so you can pre-aim with the cursor on the screen, but this time based on the center of the screen. This means you can pre-aim, and this will not be based on the canon screen-space location, but based on the screen center.
The on-screen aiming had an issue, if the camera was moving upon canon activation, your aiming was changing. With the new setting, the camera or the canon position won't affect your aiming, because it's based on the center of the screen (the center of the screen represent the center of the canon).
You'll have to experiment with the best setting for you.

I have added an on-screen "star" upon canon activation, so you can see roughly the angle at which you are aiming.

Feel free to give me feedback on this as I personally play with a gamepad.

See you soon!


Windows 64-bit Super High Ball Depot - 64-bit Depot 719931
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Windows 32-bit Super High Ball Depot - 32-bit Depot 719932
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