Patch Notes for 02/01/2022
This is a huge Early Access Release update for Revenants with the full core of the game in place! We'll now be focusing on fixing bugs reported by you, as well as general polish and optimisation. The next bug fixing patch will be live by this Friday.
The Basement
- The Home Basement allows players to return from the case to select different technology, replenish their health and analyse found evidence
- Added a hand-held evidence analyser to the Basement for scanning evidence into the case board
- The case board is used to put the pieces of the case together to solve it
- You'll need to select which 3 types of tech you want to use before travelling to a case as there's now 4 with the addition of the Ion Flashbang!
- A VR device can be used in the basement to enter a training simulation
- Captured Revenants, collected evidence and newspapers will stay in the basement
Other Features
- The Ion Flashbang is the first weapon tech in Revenants. Thrown directly at a Revenant to stun and slow them
- Profiles are now chosen on the games start, allowing for three sets of save files and progress
- There's now a score system for each case run. Using technology to battle the Revenant, trick-shots, discovering newspapers and evidence will all increase your score for the run. Your high score will be saved on the case board
- Two cutscenes have been added to Case: Spirit & Mind
- The tutorials expanded with a combat and tech section within the simulation
- Added music to the main menu
- Added audio to mask equip and functionality toggle
- Added Tablet Grip Toggle mode
- Added Vignette setting
- Added new voice lines
- Added credits sequence
- Newspapers are collected and sent to the basement once picked up
- Balanced audio levels
- Teslas now have activation sound
- Moved tutorial from Case to Basement
- Added guttering, cobwebs and more graffiti to the Academy
- Added navigational signs around the Academy
- Various art optimisation
- All settings now get saved
- Re-worked the map app to be more accurate for player and tech positions
- Re-worked various voice lines
- Added camera flash when taking a photo without UV mode
- Added new VFX for mask crack and glass
- Each profile now has its own set of gallery images
- Fixed evidence audio not playing
- Fixed hands glitching through doors
- Various saving fixes, save files before 0.3.0 will no longer work
- Various tutorial fixes
- Fixed revenant not spawning
- Fixed EMC responsiveness
- Fixed pause issues
- Narrowed save file size by 80%
Changed files in this update