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PogoChamp update for 1 January 2022

Weekly Progress Report #71: New Year, New Levels!

Share · View all patches · Build 7960424 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Wow it's 2022. Did I think PogoChamp would be done by now? Yes. Am I proud of how much I've accomplished? Absolutely. Do I think 2022 will be the year PogoChamp 1.0s? Definitely.

With this update PogoChamp has 90 levels!! That means there's only 10 more to go until I reach my goal of 100! After taking a nice vacation I'm feeling energized and creative, and I have high hopes that I can make the final 10 levels fun and interesting for you all!

New Level: Blown Up (level #28)

Gigantic fans are an idea I've had for a long time, but I hadn't figured out how to make a level where they're fun/sensible. I think this and Fan Club are actually really fun, so I hope you like them!

New Level: Flight School (level #43)

I realized that after adding several levels that used the jetpack/space helmet power up, there wasn't really a tutorial level that explained how to use it, so I made one!

New Level: Fan Club (level #57)


  • BUG FIX: Pot power up collider in Get Over It was bigger than it should have been.
  • BUG FIX: Pot power up no longer disappears if you hide + unhide a ghost in replays.
  • BUG FIX: Fix position of "Under Construction" sign in level select.
  • CREDITS: Add some imported assets to the credits (most notably stuff in The Heist).
  • VISUALS: Add visible jetpack boosters to the jetpack power up to make what it does more clear.
  • GAMEPLAY: Get Over It pot power up now provides 2x as much "coyote time" when sliding off a surface, which should prevent loss of momentum from slipping off small surfaces.
  • CONTENT: New level: Blown Up.
  • CONTENT: New level: Fan Club.
  • BUG FIX: While watching replays in A Quick Break, the camera no longer moves up 10 units each time the replay restarted.
  • CONTENT: New level: Flight School.
  • CONTENT: Reordered a bunch of levels.
  • BUG FIX: Fix issue where the leaderboard would not properly reload if you exited a level before a leaderboard upload finished.
  • GAMEPLAY: In The Classic, your character is now focused to the left side of the screen so you can see further into the level (should make the classic a bit easier because it means you have more time to react).
  • BUG FIX: Leaderboard score uploads weren't being started properly, which caused them to take 10 more seconds than they should have. (They weren't being started, so they would always time-out and then retry after 10 seconds.)
  • UX: Add "Reset" control information to The Basics.
  • BUG FIX: The rings in the cannon absorb visual effect weren't full circles.
  • GAMEPLAY: Change Tumbler bounce behavior so it is less finicky. Should make the level more reliable / easier.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed an issue where Fan Club took a very long time to load (for no reason???).
  • DEV: Working on new power up and new levels.
  • LEVEL ORDER: Maxi Golf changed from level 7 -> 5. I wanted people to get to this level sooner because it's a nice teaser for "Oh this game has some whacky stuff!".
  • LEVEL ORDER: The Pits changed from level 6 -> 10. The Pits was pretty hard for how early it was. Adding the reset prompt to The Basics meant I could move this level to later in the game.
  • LEVEL ORDER: Hurdles changed from level 26 -> 27 (swapped with Cann Cann). Hurdles is harder than Cann Cann.
  • LEVEL ORDER: Blown Up added as level 28.
  • LEVEL ORDER: Flight School added as level 43. I needed a jetpack tutorial level before Light 'em Up (Level 55), so it made sense to make a level like this one.
  • LEVEL ORDER: Flubber changed from level 45 -> 73. People found Flubber to be much harder than other levels in the 40-50 range.
  • LEVEL ORDER: Fan Club added as level 57.
  • LEVEL ORDER: Bouncer changed from level 68 -> 67 (moved several spots earlier when considering the added levels). Bouncer is pretty simple compared to some of the other later levels, so moved it up a few spots.
  • LEVEL ORDER: The Classic changed from level 74 -> 76. I wanted to separate The Classic and A Quick Break since they're both 2D levels.
  • LEVEL ORDER: A Quick Break changed from level 75 -> 80.
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