v.1.7.6 (January 1, 2022)
- Added: Tile Palettes! Randomize the tiles that you draw to the scene. Check the documentation and video demonstration for how to use.
- Added: A toggle button to enable unique UV Tilesize and Padding values per Tileset. When toggled on, the values you input will correspond only to that tileset. If toggled off, it will use the global values.
- Added: Select triangular tiles option in the 3d context-menu. Right-click > Faces > Select Triangular Tiles. This will select the faces of any triangular tiles.
- Added: Background color now saves to the project file.
- Added: Double clicking the primary and secondary colors in the Painting panel will open a native color picker box.
- Added: Setting for specifying the default tilesets for new Projects. Go to Edit > Settings > Project.
- Added: Setting for specifying the default skybox shape for new Projects.
- Added: Setting for specifying the default skybox image for new Projects.
- Added: UVs context menu now has options to deselect tiles based on the selection in the UVs panel. Right-click > 3d > Deselect tiles (Uvs selected), or Deselect tiles (Uvs unselected).
- Added: Select all/Deselect all options added to the Layers context-menu. Selects/Deselects all objects in a layer.
- Fixed: Painting brush size key bindings were in General section of Buttons panel. They are now in the Painting section.
- Fixed: Dragging colors in the Paint palette would stop undos/redos from triggering until user clicks window.
- Fixed: Exporting Gltf,Glb,Dae objects/instances now include their name in the file data.
Remember to report any bugs you may encounter!
Check the Gallery to see creations by Crocotile users: http://www.crocotile3d.com/gallery
Also, there is a Discord server where Crocotile users can chat: https://discord.gg/fmtJdUb
Watch youtube videos demonstration Crocotile 3D: Youtube channel
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Changed files in this update