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MAJOR OneShot: Fading Memory update for 16 February 2022

Luminous Levels... Part 2...?

Share · View all patches · Build 7959202 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 13:37:37 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community


First, we would like to apologize for not releasing patches for the critical bugs.
We've mishandled things in the development process, putting ourselves in a situation where we couldn't release anything without causing further issues while working on this content update.
Thankfully that's behind us now, and we'll know how to avoid such predicaments in the future.

And now for the good news!
The crystal caves have been overhauled to address the negative feedback they received.
No longer will you be walking too much through empty hallways and getting lost!
Majority of the dialogue has been changed too, from object descriptions to character interactions, so be sure to interact with E V E R Y T H I N G! ːos_nikoː
And we won't spoil much, but there are some unconventional secrets to be discovered...

We're eager to hear your feedback, from spilling error, to mechanical improvement suggestions!


Non-spoilery changes:

  • A lot of technical improvements and additions to allow easier creation of a better experience
  • The game now tells you which files are missing when transitioning maps instead of when moving
  • The game won't tell you a file is missing if it already told you about it
  • Fixed stray Niko text box for ... dialogue
  • Fixed a missing text box for ... dialogue
  • Fixed disappearing sun glow in basement
  • Fixed mineshaft transitioning into a void for a few moments
  • Fixed some transitions in the mines
  • Fixed collision overlay working outside of debug mode
  • Fixed Menderbot haunting the elevator
  • Fixed moving while a menu is open
  • Fixed some stairs
  • Fixed some odd follower behaviors
  • Elevator rides are more fun with friends
  • Removed follower collision, and the option to enable it
  • A lot of dialogue changes and additions

Spoilery changes

it's better if you see for yourself i swear

There's a lot of cool new stuff in this, and we hope you all enjoy it!


Windows 64-bit OneShot: Fading Memory Depot Depot 1569441
  • Loading history…
Unused OneShot: Fading Memory Linux Depot Depot 1569443
  • Loading history…
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