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Gold Hunter update for 31 December 2021

Version 0.574 Alpha

Share · View all patches · Build 7958884 · Last edited 31 December 2021 – 23:06:08 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community



■ Added missing translations
■ Fixed error with some translations

Level Design


■ Synced passenger function for vehicle system


■ Activated button "twitch" to main menu

■ Activated passenger function for vehicle system

■ Activated item "washingplant01"

■ Activated box for item "bottle10"
■ Activated box for item "bottle25"
■ Activated box for item "bottle50"
■ Activated box for item "bottle10 set"
■ Activated box for item "bottle25 set"
■ Activated box for item "bottle50 set"

■ Activated box for item "meltingcrucible01"
■ Activated box for item "meltingcrucible01 set"
■ Activated box for item "mold01"
■ Activated box for item "mold01 set"

■ Activated box for item "weightingscale01"

■ Activated box for item "washingplantbig01 miners moss set type 1"
■ Activated box for item "washingplantbig01 miners moss set type 2"
■ Activated box for item "washingplantbig01 miners moss set type 3"

■ Activated box for item "miners moss small set type 1"
■ Activated box for item "miners moss normal set type 1"
■ Activated box for item "miners moss small set type 2"
■ Activated box for item "miners moss normal set type 2"
■ Activated box for item "miners moss small set type 3"
■ Activated box for item "miners moss normal set type 3"

■ Activated vehicle "excavator01"
■ Activated vehicle "truck01"
■ Activated vehicle "lowloader01"
■ Activated vehicle "conveyorbelt01"

■ Activated fuel system
■ Activated fuel usage
■ Activated building "fuelstation"


■ Reworked vehicle system part 2

■ Reworked box for item "highbanker01"
■ Reworked box for item "washingplantportable01"
■ Reworked box for item "goldtable01"

■ Reworked box for item "highbanker01 miners moss set type 1"
■ Reworked box for item "highbanker01 miners moss set type 2"
■ Reworked box for item "highbanker01 miners moss set type 3"
■ Reworked box for item "washingplantportable01 miners moss set type 1"
■ Reworked box for item "washingplantportable01 miners moss set type 2"
■ Reworked box for item "washingplantportable01 miners moss set type 3"


■ Added help info about total amount, if you paid items at the store
■ Added help popup for item "goldtable01" after cleanout

■ Added function to receive xp for activities

■ Added function to connect object "gaspump01" handle with vehicles
■ Added function to create cable for object "gaspump01"

■ Added functions for item "washingplantbig01"

■ Added functions for vehicle "campervan01"
■ Added functions for vehicle "excavator01"
■ Added functions for vehicle "truck01"
■ Added functions for vehicle "lowloader01"

■ Added function to fill tank for vehicle "pickup01"
■ Added function to fill tank for vehicle "pickup02"
■ Added function to fill tank for vehicle "buggy02"
■ Added function to fill tank for vehicle "buggy01"

■ Added function to interact with wheel jokey for vehicle "trailer01"


■ Changed calculation at the gold sell place, now you receive more money if you smelted your gold before
■ Changed fill value of percentages for item "highbanker01" if player put dirt inside
■ Changed fill value of percentages for item "washingplantportable01" if player put dirt inside

■ Changed scene for main menu
■ Changed light settings for map

■ Changed first person camera location a bit for character "female"
■ Changed first person camera location a bit for character "male"

■ Changed sit position for female character in vehicle "pickup01"
■ Changed sit position for male character in vehicle "pickup01"
■ Changed sit position for female character in vehicle "pickup02"
■ Changed sit position for male character in vehicle "pickup02"
■ Changed sit position for female character in vehicle "buggy01"
■ Changed sit position for male character in vehicle "buggy01"
■ Changed sit position for female character in vehicle "buggy02"
■ Changed sit position for male character in vehicle "buggy02"
■ Changed sit position for female character in vehicle "miniexcatator01"
■ Changed sit position for male character in vehicle "miniexcatator01"
■ Changed sit position for female character in vehicle "minidumptruck01"
■ Changed sit position for male character in vehicle "minidumptruck01"


■ Added sound effect, if you paid items at the store


■ Fixed error with reverse lights for vehicles
■ Fixed error with leave camera location for item "metaltub01" if press "esc"
■ Fixed error with pickup item "bucket01" with item "bucketlid01"
■ Fixed error with attach item "bucketlid01" if player pickup item "bucket01" from storage rack in store

■ Fixed error with startup physic for object "pushcart01"
■ Fixed error with claim access after paid for the claim
■ Fixed error with check claim access for vehicle "miniexcavator01"

■ Fixed error with interact arm2 for vehicle "miniexcavator01"
■ Fixed error with show current mode for vehicle "miniexcavator01"
■ Fixed error with pickup small items in storage racks for store
■ Fixed error with cover collision for item "smeltingfurnace01"
■ Fixed error with lengh of description for info popup
■ Fixed error with check fill value for vehicle "minidumptruck01" if player try to remove dirt


■ Improved performance in store
■ Improved performance for items
■ Improved performance for objects
■ Improved loading time for main menu
■ Improved light functions for vehicles


■ Fixed error with startup physic for items after loading a savegame
■ Fixed error with location and physic for items are not in the savegame (finally fixed after save and load again)
■ Fixed error with enter vehicle after loading the savegame

■ Added item "meltingcrucible02" to savegame
■ Added item "washingplant01" to savegame

■ Added vehicle "excavator01" to savegame
■ Added vehicle "truck01" to savegame
■ Added vehicle "lowloader01" to savegame


■ Disabled power usage for item "flashlight01"
■ Disabled power usage for item "metaldetector01"
■ Disabled power usage for item "headlight01"


■ Removed snow
■ Removed christmas decoration

■ Removed item "miners moss 2 type 1" (just one normal and one small left for type 1, like type 2 and 3)
■ Removed item "miners moss 3 type 1"
■ Removed item "miners moss 5 type 1"
■ Removed item "miners moss 6 type 1"

Windows 64-bit Gold Hunter Depot 1082451
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