Hello everyone, and Welcome to the Garnival!
This major update brings many bug fixes to Consolation: Board Meeting- but also major additions to the game itself.
The first major change was to the game's name. The edition title was changed from Jam Edition to Anthology Edition in order to better accommodate the future of the game and my vision for it.
With this in mind, the reason for the word Anthology is that Board Meeting will not exclusively be one form of gameplay. Rather, it will be an anthology of different isolated tales conveyed through varying types of multiplayer game modes. The original mode was a Tabletop game, and the new mode is a PvP Slasher game. Expect new game modes, maps, and additions like this in the future.
So now let's get into the changelog!
Major Changes:
New game mode: Slasher. This mode takes place in a free-roaming 3D environment and places a player in control of a killer being. The rest of the players must escape by any means necessary!
New map: Welcome to the Garnival. This map is fully developed and created around the Slasher mode. A new story is told through familiar characters, and players will either take control of Razer Burn, or a Goose. This mode has plenty of secrets to find- and minigame-Esque challenges to complete!
Additional single-player options. Beyond just minigames, the entirety of Welcome to the Garnival was given an offline option for players to explore and collect secrets as a goose. This can be found within the 'Practice/Minigames' menu. (If played alone, the multiplayer version forces you to play as the slasher. Most secrets are designed around playing as a goose)
Over 25 new achievements! In order to compliment the new mode and map, over 25 unique achievements have been created to give players, particularly achievement hunters, something to look for! Each update/mode will have its own achievement icons.
An entire new soundtrack, menu, and introductory cutscene has been added as part of Welcome to the Garnival. (Aswell as a special credits sequence)
There is now a dedicated multiplayer mode selection screen on the main menu to pick between Slasher and Tabletop modes. (For now, Garnival has a quick-select option on the main menu as well)
Minor Changes:
Several minigames found within the 'Practice/Minigames' menus have had bugs fixed, allowing for games like Russian Roullette to be completed without soft-locking the game.
The Dice has been patched, as to not allow the dice to disappear if the player forces the game to roll a dice when a random minigame is being selected.
Chris Conn's desk in the main menu has been decorated with some seasonal/update-related items.
Settings menus have been added to cutscenes.
Added Global Chat portals to the main, and multiplayer menus for greater communication.
The year 2022 has been added to the main menu date.
Additional bug fixes.
There are going to be LOTS of new bugs found in the new update. I ask everyone who comes across any to send them my way so I can fix them in a patch later on. I hope everyone has a good Decemberween New Year's Eve! And enjoy the game! :)
I implore everyone to share videos, guides, streams, and clips of their adventures through the Board. Stay tuned for more major and minor updates to this fun innocent party game!
And remember, everybody needs a little Consolation.
(Join the official Discord community to share, and learn more about the game: https://discord.com/invite/5fGZvma )
Check out the game's new credits, and YouTube trailer descriptions for more info on the artists who helped bring this update to life.
Changed files in this update