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Rise of Mavros update for 31 December 2021

Final Update of The Year

Share · View all patches · Build 7957991 · Last edited 31 December 2021 – 15:09:07 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

This year has been both rough and joyful. I hope to see a bright future ahead for "Rise of Mavros" and many other upcoming games.

I wanted to call this a major update, however, considering that we have a big sales season going on, publishing this update as a major update can create a conflicting effect and reduce the chance of "Rise of Mavros" being discovered. I will be preserving my major update rounds (they are limited) for a bigger update and to a better date.

Here are the patch notes of the update:
  • Tutorial is back. A more simple and easy-to-understand tutorial is now available. This tutorial focuses on the "main move-set" of the game.
  • 3rd map boss can now attack from a longer distance.
  • 3rd map boss VFX fixed. They were acting off.
  • 3rd map boss can now heal itself.
  • Lock-on - Idle transition blend problem fixed. The character moved strangely when the lock-on animation was canceled after an automatic enemy lock-on switch.
  • The video settings menu problem is now fixed. Some of the video settings adjustments were only controlled by a keyboard. If you tried to adjust them with a mouse the adjuster lost focus.
  • The forest creature in the 3rd map can now attack from a longer distance.
  • 3rd map post-process problem is now fixed. The map looked like the contrast settings were broken.
  • Jumping now drains stamina. This feature was requested a long time ago. However, I believed that it would make the game extremely hard. Now a lot more people seem to be requesting this feature, so I thought that we can give it a try.
  • The skill that heals the player character when the 2nd main combo is performed, is now buffed. You receive a higher hp.
  • AI dash-attack problem is now fixed. AI had an issue when performing a dashing attack. It stuck for about 1-3 seconds just before it hit you. It was caused by a feature that I was working on and for now, I changed this animation to a similar one until I reach a better point with the feature.
  • Some people spotted a bug where you could exit the 1st map and run in an endless desert until you reach a point where you fall for a very long time... It is now fixed and you can not exit the map. I might start adding some easter eggs though!
  • The backflip attack now has a wider radius. I strongly recommend it! Especially when surrounded by lots of enemies.
  • We have a new Entrance scene.
  • The character selection tab is now fully renewed. I hope it looks better :).
  • I added 2 new character skins just for fun. This does not mean that I ended adding new characters. I have plans to add 2 more characters.

Happy New Year Everyone! I wish you all a great 2022.

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