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Land Of The Void update for 31 December 2021


Share · View all patches · Build 7957386 · Last edited 31 December 2021 – 17:26:03 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

(This content was written by a translator)
In this update, the "focus" action mode of war chess has been added, and the imprint has been converted into a card battle mode. This update has updated the archive location, and the old archive records will not be updated to the new archive, which is located in the document/My Games folder. If you still want to play the original old version, please adjust the test version to "classic", the current version archive is not shared.

Changes in war chess:

The biggest change in this update is the addition of two functions that allow characters to move more freely, focus action and position shifting.

Focus action:
-Players can lock a focus target through the button on the screen or the shortcut key (E). When locking the enemy, all the allies that can concentrate will try to attack. When locking the allies, if it is not an attacking behavior, they will move separately. (Archers and Berserkers have a farther coordinated attack range)

-Players can swap positions with the second unit by consuming an action point of the first unit.

Compensation attack:
-When there is more than one unit performing an action and attacking and moving at the same time, that moving unit will try to attack the unit attacked in this action after moving

Changes in imprint:
Now the imprint is completely changed to cards, and each character uses its own mana and unique card pools individually. And you can edit the decks that will appear in battle on the backpack interface at any time.

Card moments and hostile cards:

Cards nowadays are no longer used only once in a battle like in the past, but can be reused like most card games. But you need to press the enter card moment button (shortcut key: Tab) to enter the card moment when the character is selected. At this moment, the character will draw cards to fight and suspend the action ability given by the arrow keys. (However, some cards can still be moved during this period)

The enemy's card counterattacks "surveillance":

Now players can use cards to enrich the battle mode, but the enemy is not the commander. When you enter the range of guarding the enemy, the enemy will randomly monitor two cards and play a card when you play this surveillance card.

Use focus attacks to destroy the enemy's cards:

When the enemy is attacked by two or three units, the concentration value will be destroyed and a card will be destroyed. And you can click to select the target to destroy.

Some other changes and optimizations:

  • Most game content has floating hints, which can make the memory test of remembering rules a thing of the past. If you don’t know anything, just try it! The cost of trying has been greatly reduced
  • The battle interface can press ESC to adjust the volume
  • Playing cards has become more fluid
  • Removed the old novice mission for the first game
  • Healing and resurrection services have been added to the lobby. The healing obtained in each round is free and can be upgraded, and the resurrection can be carried out by spending trophies.

New contradictions caused by known game updates:

  • The game value is very outrageous (considering reducing all card values ​​or adding a difficulty to adapt to the new environment)
  • Some cards are completely useless or have unclear meaning (it's you, Breathing Wild!)
  • After collecting about 20 cards in each profession, the game becomes boring (new cards in the future will greatly reduce the probability that you can make good cards, and card upgrades will be updated in the future so that it will be meaningful later. Content)
  • The props and relative position with the enemy make the initial position less important

These known problems either have no solution or no time, but all new problems will be considered for resolution

At present, the cards are only made for knights and four teammates, and the knight cards and other cards are being adjusted and changed. I hope to receive more feedback to make more adjustments. Welcome everyone to join the group for communication. Or discuss in the comments

In the future, it is planned to add cards of different levels and equipment with different effects, and they can all be enhanced to ensure that there will be something to do in the entire process.

If you encounter any bugs, please join the group: 646966675, give feedback

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