*(Note: If weapon recoil is still too high for the players preference, lowering the aim sensitivity in the options menu will reduce it further.)
- Default values added for new game Option Settings. (Note: current settings may show an incorrect value. If you reselect your settings the new values will auto save.)
- Added effects to points of interest inside Gun Store.
Fixed damage Overlay.
When completing a level, the next level will now be available for selection, and will no longer require a restart to show unlocked. - Solo play Santa Dollars have been increased.
- Turret price has been reduced to $5000 and duration increased.
*Players may have lost some save data with last update (Level unlock or purchased weapons). We have added a 200k Santa Dollars cash drop inside the gun shop for each player and unlocked level 2 for any Inconveniences. - (NOTE IMPORTANT: The players starting weapon (SAR-15 aka the AR-15). By holding AIM and PRESSING the GRENADE button you will Shoot the grenade. All other weapons will throw a grenade. In the next few days this feature will be added to other rifles.)(Hold right mouse button and press G or with gamepad Left Trigger and right shoulder Btn)
Changed files in this update