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Grim Realms update for 29 December 2021

Patch - Necromancers!

Share · View all patches · Build 7950434 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 13:31:53 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

First of all: This patch is a little rushed. I really wanted it to include terrain 'building' and also a new biome, but I noticed several bugs and annoying villager behaviors, so I figured it would be better to publish it now.

It adds the following:

  • A new type of human attack. Necromancers. They wear dark clothes, daggers, swords and can raise the dead, creating "risen" undead.
  • A new type of unit: Risen. Risen are more intelligent undead, they can climb ladders, wield weapons and often accompany necromancers. (In future you might be able to create them yourself!)

It improves/fixes the following:

  • Attacker combat-AI and villager combat-AI. Using ranged weapons works better indoors, attackers will find targets better, including which doors to break, etc.
  • Projectile knockback has been more balanced, and is less overpowered.
  • The previous big patch caused an unforseen hauling bug which caused some storages to not be correctly registered -> ergo items were ignored.
  • Gets rid of crashes related to fighting the final boss in the "Digging for sanctuary" scenario.
  • When giving orders to mine ore it will now specify what type of ore it is. (Iron and silver was very hard to tell apart.)
  • Added some useful info to research-descriptions: In order to upgrade a workstation you can't have any active work orders there.

As always: thank you for your patience, feedback and support! As with all patches I stand very ready for creating a hot fix, should this one cause any unforseen errors.

Best wishes and lots of love!

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