In Ver1.2.0, the items of Settings that were a inconvenient until now will be greatly expanded.
Specifically, Settings are divided into multiple items, each of which can be customized.
- Audio
In the Audio item, you can change the volume of BGM and sound effects.
- Control
In the Control item, you can change the speed of your ship and the key assignment.
You can assign two keys to each of shot, SP, and slow speed. You can also assign more than one operation to the same key (such as low speed & shot).
- Video
In the Video item, you can change the transparency of the object, turn the Bloom effect on and off, and change the in-game language.
The transparency of the object can be changed in three items: "item, effect, shot". The default is 100%, which is completely invisible when lowered to 0%.
The Bloom effect allows you to turn on and off the effect that makes the object look shiny. The Bloom effect is a bit heavy, so turning it off may improve performance if your game is heavy.
You can also switch the window mode by pressing the Window mode button.
Also, the effect is now displayed when the SP is charged. This makes it possible to see that the gauge has been charged without looking at it.
In addition, the option-related power-up icons have been changed. The new icon shows the type of shot, making it easier to tell.
Changed files in this update