Ring in the New Year on the Seven Seas with Soggy Hogmanay!
Throughout January, we’re celebrating with the Paper Pirates Seasonal Celebration, Soggy Hogmanay! Running from 1st January - 21st January, celebrate the start of the New Year with a festival of glad tidings, and a whole host of seasonal goodies in Paper Pirates!
Reworked Trait: The Diligent
In preparation for the New Year, but staying all year round, is a revised version of The Diligent. We've moved The Diligent to an active trait but one that only activates when you are chosen to play in! When participating in a job, The Diligent will be asked - after choosing whether to obey or disobey - if they want to work a little harder. If they do, the outcome of the day's job will be doubled. That means if it's a success, the crew move two spaces to shore, but if it's a failure, two treasures will go overboard!
The newly revised Diligent also activates when you're the Captain, so be very careful of a Ghost Captain Diligent who might be making a mad rush to get all your treasure overboard at the last second!
Seasonal Trait: The Resolute
New to Soggy Hogmanay 2021 is the seasonal trait, The Resolute! Play a trait game during Soggy Hogmanay, and one of the crew may find themselves playing as The Resolute.
The Resolute must make a New Year's Resolution during the first day of the voyage. Their resolution asks them to pledge their allegiance to either the human or the ghost team. Whichever team they pick, they will instantly join - and they won't be able to become a member of the opposite team, no matter what happens, for the entirety of the remainder of the voyage!
Their choice is private to them, so make sure you don't get caught out by a sneaky Resolute pretending to have become a perma-human, when they might actually have just become The Tainted's best friend...
Limited Time Costumes
During Soggy Hogmanay, Sam Sherbot and Nat O'Bother have some new customisation options available to unlock in the Shop Ship! If you buy a customisation option during Soggy Hogmanay, you can use it all year round - but the items will be disappearing from sale when the event is over, so don’t delay and buy today!
The full list of outfit items available during Soggy Hogmanay is:
Outfit Shop
- Faces - Masquerade (Light)
- Faces - Masquerade (Dark)
- Faces - Clock Face
- Faces - Disco Ball
- Accessories - Earrings (Cross)
- Accessories - Earrings (Diamonds)
- Accessories - Earrings (Gold Hoops)]
- Headwear - Hairpin (Firework)
- Shirt - Tee (Fireworks)
- Shirt - Tee (2022)
- Coats - Tuxedo (White)
Ship Shop
- Sails - Tartan Sails
- Sails - Viking Sails
- Hulls - Viking Hull
- Extras - Torches
Additionally, during Soggy Hogmanay, pirates will be able to wear a unique hat, available to everyone in voyages started during the event. Once the event’s over, the hat will disappear from your collection until next year, so be sure to wear them while you can!
The ‘Fastest First Foot’ Event!
Go on a sailing adventure during Soggy Hogmanay, and each day there is a chance you may encounter the ‘Fastest First Foot’ event, inspired by the Hogmanay tradition of First Footing. As the crew return from an adventure on a deserted treasure island, they race to see who has the honour of first footing the pirate ship. Those pirates who make it back first are granted good fortune for the coming voyage - and will be given a higher rank on the ship accordingly! Have your devices at the ready and press a button as soon as it appears, and any pirate has the chance of seizing the rank of captain!
Resolution Bounty
To help ring in the New Year, and start as you mean to go on, the bounty board is offering you a New Year’s Resolution Bounty! Throughout the duration of Soggy Hogmanay, you will have one giant bounty to complete! If you complete that one bounty over the course of the celebration, you will receive a truly staggering number of coins in celebration and you’ll be well on the way to a prosperous 2022. It’s just too good to miss!
Hogmanay Celebrations in the Photo Booth
To celebrate the arrival of the new year, there are a small number of limited-time Foils and Backgrounds available in the Photo Booth, in the Captain’s Log. Take the opportunity to snap your favourite pirate templates, and share any pics you take!
Soggy Hogmanay Bots
Invite bots into your game during Soggy Hogmanay, and you may find some of the regular crew replaced with special New Year’s revellers, out to help you ring in the new year! They’ll only join your games during Soggy Hogmanay, but these bots have their own personalities and appearances for you to enjoy.
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