Optimized water mug stream. It should now hit it´s intended target better (mouth, fire, plantspot)
Optimized build performance. Some players (especially on quest) experienced lag when building. Everything should now run smooth
Fixed problem when multigrabbing out of inventory
- Wrong object spawns in hand when player has items in left and right hand
- Mulitplication of objects
- Removing wrong object from inventory when player has items in left and right hand
- Teleporting when player increases amount with stick
- Grabbing multiple items, when player grabbed item out of the chest and then placed it on the OceanCraft
Balancing Changes
- Changed Raincloud/Pirate appear ratio to 1/1 (before 2/1)
- Lowered crafting costs of objects needing metal and fabric
- Changed fabric/metal loot drop ratio to 1/1 (before 2/1)
- Highlighted loot drops in the ocean (baloons, tiny pirates)
Thank you to everyone, who reported the bugs into our bugtracker: https://github.com/FlodGamedev/OceanCraftBugtracker/issues
We always try our best to give you a high quality release, but some bugs still manage to sneak through our testing and we really appreciate your help in finding them!
Changed files in this update