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SUL 3D - Schütze Unser Land update for 27 December 2021

Mega Update

Share · View all patches · Build 7945586 · Last edited 27 December 2021 – 22:59:13 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

When I launched the game, I was aware of many of its limitations and shortcomings but I didn't think there were so many. A few days ago I decided to focus all my strength and energy on remaking the game from beginning. Changing practically everything that was "weak" to something improved and much better but keeping the same essence of the game.

So, in this new update that I bring you, a number of things have been changed, changed or improved:

  • History:

The game's story was too big, it tried to make references and grand connections with things that didn't make sense, creating a real soup of different contents. Now the story is much more down to earth and focused. It encompasses only Brazil, integralism, Rio Grande do Sul and gauchismo.

  • Texts:

The game texts had a series of errors, both in Portuguese and in English. For starters, some of the texts were written a year ago and have been kept since then while others have been changed, causing a huge difference between fonts and styles in addition to numerous spelling errors in both English and Portuguese. Now the texts are properly standardized and without any writing errors.

  • Maps:

Many maps didn't make sense, they seemed to be too raw or too big, they didn't have the proper continuity and harmony with the engine used in the game, besides presenting a series of bugs. All maps have been discarded and new maps have been created from scratch and although there are fewer levels I must say that there has been quite a bit of progress regarding maps and levels.

  • Enemies:

In some stages the enemies were too difficult, too fast and their shots did a lot of damage while the player's shots didn't do any damage! In other phases, enemies were too easy to be defeated, even presenting no challenge to the player. I can highlight two stages: the zombie in the cemetery and the stage in the brick city. The zombie stage was nearly impossible to complete while the brick stage was stupidly easy. Now, the enemies follow a pattern, in the beginning they are easier and they get more difficult as the player progresses in the game. No cute and invincible enemies.

  • Soundtrack:

One of the things that frustrated me the most was the inability of the game to have a soundtrack but that is no longer an issue. What caused this was the presence of Model Packs incompatible with the engine version used, breaking several of its functions. So I've restricted Template Packs to only those made for the initial release of FPS Creator, the game now has a great soundtrack by Karl Kasey @White Bat Audio

  • Dubbing:

Besides having been created real characters for the game, both have voiceovers in Portuguese!

  • Arts:

All game arts have been redone and, as more attentive gamers may have noticed, were based on the old Mega Man arts, as a tribute to the series. In fact, the game features a series of tributes and Easter Eggs to games known as Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, Half Life, Pesadelo Regression, among others.

I'm also modifying the entire game layout on Steam right now (game icon, banner, header, etc...)

If something unforeseen occurs and your game doesn't update to the new version, just uninstall the game and install it again.

Athsilus Games

Windows 64-bitPortuguese - Brazil SUL 3D - Schütze Unser Land Content Depot 1819341
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Windows 64-bitEnglish Depot SUL 3D - Schütze Unser Land Depot 1819342
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