Merry Christmas and happy holidays!
Update 0.4.5 addresses most known issues. If you continue to run into bugs, please head over to our Discord server at Discord channel to let us know and give feedback.
In January we will focus on performance optimization and DLSS support.
Bug Fixes
An investigator's state of dress would not display properly for players newly entering a lobby. The entering player’s customizations would not sync to the players already in the lobby, and vice versa.
An investigator’s state of dress would not be properly displayed to other players when changing between characters.
Several repeat UI elements would open up when clicking on the mail icon multiple times.
Other player’s teleportation and environment sound effect volume were too loud, and have been lowered.
The Daily Task UI would not update immediately and would only update upon logging out and back in (relogging).
Maximum Sanity always displayed as 100, and the Experience required for leveling up would not update properly.
If a currently offline player receives Likes from a pose studied from them, their Likes count would not update properly. An example is as follows:
- Player A studies a temporary pose from Player B.
- Player C studies Player A while they are using the temporary pose, which should give A one Like, and B two Likes.
- Player B’s Likes would not update properly until relogging.
Some Daily Task descriptions were inconsistent with their completion conditions.
Some Experiments consumed the incorrect amount of Data when synthesizing.
Automatic Pose and Automatic Speed functions of animations did not function properly.
Player avatars would occasionally become transparent after ending an Experiment.
Addressed clipping issues with clothing.
Reduced the turning speed of the player's avatar.
Cinematic camera mode did not open immediately upon pressing the button.
Tips relating to obtaining Likes were not entirely clear and have been edited for clarity.
System Changes
- Players not active for prolonged periods (AFK) will be sent offline.
- Matchmaking has been adjusted to prioritize server latency & stability. Results may vary based on region.
- Adjustments were made to calculations related to Daily Task progress involving lesbian poses.
- Adjusted how much Inspiration was generated from foreplay poses.
- Areas & places where poses can be placed have been adjusted.
- Adjustments have been made to pose speeds.
- New tips have been added for receiving mails and for completing daily tasks.
- Players will now receive 3 points of Inspiration immediately upon logging in daily.
New Additions
18 new experiment poses have been added.
5 new costumes have been added. 4 will rotate in the Peer Review Committee (Likes exchange), while 1 is directly acquired from the costume interface.
- Midsummer Night
- Orthodox Bunny GIrl
- Racing Training
- Undine in Swimming Pool
- Dive Bombing!
A costume interface has been added to allow for costume previewing before they are acquired.
Work-in-progress localization for the following languages have been added. Please be aware that these localizations are still being worked on and are not complete yet.
Spanish, German, French, Russian, Greek, Traditional Chinese, Korean, Dutch, Japanese and Brazilian-Portuguese.
Changed files in this update