Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, gamers!
We are really sorry for a long silence without any patches or updates. Meet new v1.2.2 update!
We have added new languages: Chinese and French.
Script files can only load from .gsc and .gscc!
Added new functions to workshop and server scripts.
The voice chat has been slightly fixed.
Now the workshop has full control over file changes and replaces or removes if necessary.
The game has been slightly optimized and new settings was added for FPS boost.
Updated compiler for server and workshop, the errors showing correct.
The SCP-106 cannot run.
Also fixed archive keycard not matching for another players.
v1.2.1 Changelog:
- Added chinese language
- Added french language
- Added "Particles" and "Decals" settings in-game for optimization
- Workshop and server scripts downloads compiled script files only with .gsc or .gscc. Now you can use main folder for files in workshop.
- Added new functions for workshop in scripts (Drawing, Items)
- Removed server prediction (will be in new versions)
- Added optimization for playing by SCPs
- Added game optimization
- Fixed doubled advanced description
- Fixed voice chat
- Fixed collision on Class D spawn
- Fixed archive keycard not matching
- Fixed aspect ratio for description.
- Fixed memory leak in game
- Removed 256 tickrate. Tickrate can be only 2,4,8,16,32,64,128
- Now the workshop has full control over file changes and replaces or removes if necessary
- Improved workshop
- Updated compiler
- Removed sprint to SCP-106
- Added "fixedtimesteps", "deltalimit", "itemsraycastcollision", "fixedtimesteps" commands to game.ini server config. fixedtimesteps recommend to 1.
Changed files in this update