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The Two of Us update for 26 December 2021

Bugfix #3

Share · View all patches · Build 7940898 · Last edited 26 December 2021 – 03:09:06 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Once again thank you all for your continued support.
I'm pushing an update today which will have the following changes:

  • FPS Toggle
    Some users mentioned that they were unable to join friends due to a sync problem between a high frame rate player and a low framerate player. By default now, the game will be run at 60FPS to try and eliminate those issues at a baseline. If you were able to play on previous versions, there is a toggle in the in-game menu (Pressing Escape) to toggle the FPS which will bring you up to 300fps.

-Additional Collider Polygons
With additional colliders in place, hopefully we will see less players getting stuck in walls or the ground. If this bug still does occur please let me know.

-Controls Display
On the landing page now, there is a button to open up instructions for the controls to the game (mouse + keyboard). This only tells you the basic controls of what the player can do not how to navigate levels as this could ruin the initial puzzles for new players.

-Beginning of controller support
Some users reported that while using a controller they were unable to use the combat actions. This should now be fixed.

-Added credits button
Although all assets I used were allowed to be used for personal AND commercial products and did not require credit, I decided that I would like to display the names of the people who I acquired assets from because I really like them and I hope other designers can benefit from their work also!

-Full screen
This was always able to be toggled however it wasn't displayed anywhere. Thank you to the users who mentioned it to people in the forums. It has now been added to the Controls page but the command for it is Alt+Enter.

-Sprite/Texture change
Thank you to @Katie who posted about a way I can make the textures higher detail. This update has also been pushed to live.

Over the next 2 weeks I will be create a second stage which will hopefully have 5-6 levels apart of it. If there are any delays with this I will let everyone know!


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