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Poggers update for 26 December 2021

UPDATE 1.01 - Better Poggers River Deaths & Pausing Now Pauses The Music

Share · View all patches · Build 7940697 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello everyone. I spent about an hour today on Christmas Day giving my best selling indie game Poggers here a little needed love and attention.

This update in particular was needed if you purchased the "Ten Million Colors" DLC that allows you to make Poggers about any color you can imagine with three sliders for the primary colors. The problem was that when you accidentally fell in the river with a colored rabbit, the water would be the color of your bunny instead of the intended blue color. I've redrawn the sprite animations for this update making for much cleaner, better looking river deaths. I've also added all new water droplets that will be seen when you accidentally drop Poggers in the river.

In this update, I've also made sure that if you pause the game that the game music stops. Remember that you can always turn the music on or off while playing simply by pressing the "M" key on your keyboard. Just remember "M for music" to turn the music on or off at any time.

Enjoy your gaming and Happy New Year to you all!

  • ZaxtorGameS (Solo Indie Game Developer)
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