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HYPERJUSTICE update for 25 December 2021

A New Perspective

Share · View all patches · Build 7939470 · Last edited 25 December 2021 – 07:59:07 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

The new HYPERJUSTICE update adds new settings for the level select menu! You can play any level in first or third-person mode to see how each level plays from the other perspective. You can even complete the entire game with these settings applied. You will notice that the levels play differently with the other character's mechanics. It's a fun way to relearn levels after beating the game.

There've also been slight changes to each graphics tier. The changes help with optimizations on the lower-end side and improving graphics capabilities on the higher-end side, along with other bug fixes. I have also added separate improvements to the game console related to switching perspective modes which will be given an in-depth description in the console documentation.

Thank you for playing, and don't do drugs!

-SEQ Games

Windows HYPERJUSTICE Windows Depot 1831781
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