Hi all -
Just a quick and small minor patch to Hypnagogia following the 0.3 sunken update.
- Fixed an issue with the hidden whirlpool teleport not triggering correctly (hopefully)
- Greatly improved framerate performance in Mushroom World, Ice World, and Desert World
- Mist World I tried my best to get framerates up, but sadly it's near impossible without completely removing the water effects (they aren't very well optimized)
- Steam Only: Fixed an issue with the "Frightful Freckle" achievement not registering correctly
- Made quest direction clearer in Mist World with additional guiding lights
- Improved dialogue flow in the new hidden underwater world to make it clearer how to progress.
- I'm aware of a small bug that causes you to stop sprinting if you run into moving objects or hit a certain incline height. This is heavily integrated into the game's character controller so it is not an easy fix. I'll be looking more into it as time goes on.
Those are all the minor updates for now! I hope you have a wonderful holiday and new year. See you in 2022~
Changed files in this update